Monday, March 19, 2012

From Richard Douglas For U. S. Senate/ Maryland 2012

In Case You Missed It:
Press Coverage of Richard Douglas US Senate Candidate

SBY News / Douglas on Maryland Gas Tax / 3.14.12
Governor O'Malley appeared before two General Assembly committees today in a quixotic effort to save his gasoline tax hike proposal. "Governor O'Malley is addicted to tax increases, including those on gasoline, and Senator Ben Cardin, through his silence, is one of his chief enablers."
-Richard Douglas

WCBM Sean &Frank / 3.15.12
"We face serious problems in our state and the nation and it's time the Congress made a difference and Maryland gets out of the kids table section and into the forefront of the U.S. Senate."

Baltimore Sun / Douglas Launches Radio Ad / 3.15.12
"Republican Senate candidate Richard Douglas began airing a statewide radio advertisement on Thursday -- the first in the GOP primary -- suggesting that it's "time to wake Congress up." - Baltimore Sun

Pocomoke Public Eye / Douglas Launches Radio Ad / 3.15.12 "With these commercials, more voters are realizing that Ben Cardin votes in lock step with Harry Reid to such an extent that he might as well be Nevada's third senator." - Richard Douglas

Gazette / Cardin Not Taking Election for Granted / 3.16.12
"Cardin and other incumbents in Maryland and elsewhere should know they're facing an electorate that is "fed up" in regard to a number of issues," said the Richard Douglas campaign. "Chief among the issues are high gas prices and an under performing economy." - Richard Douglas campaign

Monoblogue/ Odds and Ends No. 47 / 3.18.12
"It seems like Douglas's campaign has found its stride..."
"A very populist approach. Douglas wasn't through on the gas price issue, though..." - Monoblogue"

Governor O'Malley is addicted to tax increases, including those on gasoline, and Senator Ben Cardin, through his silence, is one of his chief enablers. Ben Cardin's failure to speak up on the regressive gasoline tax is an endorsement of out-of-control spending which comes out of the pockets of hard-working Maryland families. Our system of federalism is an important governing principle, but it is not an excuse for a senator to remain silent and abdicate leadership at this critical time when our state is headed in the wrong direction." - Richard Douglas

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