Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pocomoke City's New Restaurant

The New Pocomoke City Restaurant
Friday, March 16, 2012

Everytime I show up to take photos this  restaurant has become  more magnificent than the last time.  We have been watching this restaurant grow for a few months now with just a few more months left to go before all this will be in the past.   
The railing was in place and truly  does compliment the entire building.  Even if I never get to eat a meal there it sure has been delightful to watch this grow into something that will make Pocomoke people proud.


These are the guys that hardly get any attention or recognition for the hardwork they  do everyday.  Working in the water and mud is something that never appealed to me - or many others- but it's an honest job and someone has to do it.  Keep in mind that the city crew has two major projects going at the same time.-  The new restaurant and the police station....  Talk about busy.

These guys work! And  they all seem to work well toghether.  I surely hope that when all the maintenance is completed on the restaurant and police station someone gives them some powerful recognition!  Thye are deserving of it.

There wasn't anything going on inside but you sure can tell someone has been there.  Alot of progress.....and getting closer to completion as each day passes...
Now that someone has been chosen by the city to manage the restaurant work on the kitchen can be completed.


Friday was such a beautiful day and this is a most beautiful time of the year to be in down town Pocomoke.  I almost wished that instead of these guys working on the deck flooring they were setting up chairs.  How relaxing it will be to be seated on this deck at the edge of the Pocomoke River on days like this day was.

One of the workers showed me a photo he had taken of two Bald  Eagles that sit every morning in one of these trees across the river.  How great will that be seated at the restaurant in the early afternoon or evening and watch them land?  (Keep that in mind bird watchers)
Well, that's it for this time......I'll be back in a few more days and I can't wait!
Thank you Councilman Malloy for giving me the opportunity to take these photos but I must tell you that if I get my feet muddy and ruin a pair of shoes - you buy me a new pair.  Thanks for being such a good sport.  Please be sure to let your city crew know they've been photographed.  What a great group of hard working men!


  1. Enjoyed your pictures once again.It looks so open and airy in there.Can't wait till it opens.

  2. Enjoyed your pictures once again.It looks so open and airy in there.Can't wait till it opens.


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