Saturday, March 10, 2012

The "Things That Make Me See Red" Category


The free puppy I saw was black with white under his neck that looked to be about 6 to 8 weeks old.
The guy just walked up, said a few words, looked into the tub and walked off with a puppy....
I wonder how these two would have liked it if their Mother had taken them to the parking lot and given them away?

Photo taken:  Saturday Afternoon ~ March 10, 2012
Food Lion parking lot
Oak Hall, Virginia


  1. Anonymous7:56:00 PM

    At least they didn't dump them off on some back road.

  2. No they didn't. But giving them away in a parking lot to just anyone isn't a reassurance that they will be taken care of either. And there is no guarantee...just seems that if you have a pet you love you care where the puppies go.


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