Wednesday, March 7, 2012

U. S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas

In Case You Missed It:
U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas Press

City Biz List / 3.05.12 / Maryland Ignored Again
"Imagine the profound impact a new Caterpillar factory in Baltimore, Cumberland or Salisbury would have for skilled machinists, electricians, and pipefitters. But it will not happen here. -Richard Douglas

Baltimore Sun / 3.06.12 / Amb. John Bolton Endorsement

"In addition to Bolton's endorsement, Douglas, 55, brings a hefty resume to the Republican primary, including a stint as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under Bush and five years on Capitol Hill as a senior attorney to two high-profile Senate committees." - Baltimore Sun

SBY News /  3.06.12 / Douglas Wins Key Legislator's Endorsement

 "Richard Douglas will bring a sense of mission to the U.S. Senate that is sorely lacking at a time when our country needs it most."  - Del.Bill Frank.  
Monoblogue / 3.05.12 / Douglas Blasts Cardin on Israel

"Douglas blasted the incumbent Senator for discussing post office closures and not making any statement on Iran in nearly six months."


Pocomoke Public Eye / 3.05.12 / Cardin Talking About Post Office  

"There is no question that developments with Israel and Iran are moving at a faster clip," said Douglas.  "Yet, Senator Cardin is talking about postal facility closures.  We need to hear from the Senator more frequently on where he stands with Iran's nuclear program." - Richard Douglas
Upcoming radio:
WBAL: "C-4" 1090 AM Friday, March 9 11:30 AM
WICO:  "Delmarva This Week" with Bill Reddish 1320 AM 
Saturday, March 10 9:00 AM

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