Monday, March 5, 2012

Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby Answers Baby Ava Case Critics

The Dispatch
Steven Green

BERLIN -- In response to dozens of Facebook posts on the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s page in recent weeks, Beau Oglesby issued a statement on Friday addressing the situation involving Andre Kaczynski.

Back in December, Kaczynski, while allegedly high on PCP, crashed into a vehicle on Coastal Highway in north Ocean City, causing major injuries to Ava DelRicco, who was 18 months old at the time, and her mother.

On the scene of the accident, which occurred in the morning hours, numerous witnesses reported Kaczynski, the owner of a local construction company, was not remorseful. Kaczynski was held through the Christmas holiday, but later released. Days later, he was again arrested on drug possession charges. He was released again after appearing before a District Court commissioner.

Ava spent the holidays and the next two months hospitalized and has just recently returned home, but her recovery from her major injuries continues and the family reports she has a long way to go to return to fully functioning. However, her progress has been considerable and thousands of people are following her status updates on Facebook.

Over the last month, Oglesby has been criticized by some on his office’s Facebook page in an orchestrated campaign for justice. Most are questioning why Kaczynski is a free man today and questioning why he has not been in court yet.

One post read, “Why is this man still allowed to have his license? Every day he is allowed to drive more children and parents could be critically injured or worse could die with him at the wheel. He should be behind bars and never be able to drive again. We are counting on you to do the right thing”.

Another post read, “Please, explain to us why Ava's tormentor is still on the loose. I have a 19-month-old daughter, and I am afraid to drive with her in the car at times, because I know that people like ‘him’ are out there.  … Please give Baby Ava the justice she so desperately deserves.”

The following is a complete look at Oglesby’s statement, which has been received well by most on his Facebook page.

Follow this story from The Dispatch to read Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby's response:  GO HERE


  1. It is such a sad thing that this even happened. I can understand everyone's outcry for justice. This man should be locked up.

  2. Anonymous9:35:00 AM

    According to a report on WBOC last night, the max sentence for the driving while impaired and causing injury is only 2 years-equates to what 8 months with good behavior credits?
    The second arrest was for possession of PCP which could result in a max of 20 years (and I believe a minimum of 10 years.) Because he was released on bail the first time resulted in an arrest which carries substantial prison time.
    In a convoluted way I can see where he being released served a purpose.


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