Monday, April 16, 2012

Progress Continues.........

The New Restaurant
Pocomoke City, Maryland
Thursday  April 12, 2012

Things were on the move around the restaurant during the first part of the week.
A fence has been erected to hide the back of the restaurant, which is a good idea.
No matter how small the job something is always being done in the new restaurant. 
On April 5th when I took photos the entire walls had already been painted with a base coat.  I don't mind telling you that those walls were painted with the brightest white I had ever seen....UGH!

In talking with Councilman Malloy and hearing his news I KNEW I couldn't wait for another  week to pass....
This is what I found - no not this......

THIS!!!  A burst of color!!
I'm not the world's best photographer but the camera has done a nice job on giving you some idea of the choice of blues.  It's beautiful.   And as for me I don't think another color would suit this restaurant considering where it sits.
The hardest work, I would imagine,  has been completed.  Remember that the only thing on this site just a few months ago was dirt.....those photos are on this blog too.  I've watched this building grow.  I've met some wonderful people along the way.  And most of those wonderful people are hard working people right from good old Pocomoke!  They are your sons, your brothers, your husbands or your neighbor.  They helped build this masterpiece that now sits and overlooks the Pocomoke River.  Each and every business, whether from Pocomoke City or not,  has done an outstanding job.

 I know how to enter the building. I know where the EXITS are.  I've found the restrooms. Now I'm just waiting on the kitchen............

(On site this day was Tapmans.)


  1. Anonymous7:15:00 AM

    Agreed, locating the restrooms is THE first priority.

    Your friend,

  2. Love,love the colors. Another great job reporting.

  3. Anonymous9:10:00 AM

    It appears that the paint on the Discovery Center matches the interior of the restaurant, but if that photo is from the back side of the DC, that paint has been there since they were painting the inside of the museum a few years ago now. Maybe that gave them the inspiration for the restaurant, but I'm almost positive that was there when the restaurant was only a dream.

  4. Anonymous1:21:00 PM

    When do they think they will start taking applications?


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