Friday, April 13, 2012

Something New Downtown

In case you haven't made the trip downtown in a while..........

This arrived yesterday.  I guess someone realized that the spot  needed some TLC.... just like I always have.


  1. Anonymous4:14:00 PM

    Not bad... would rather see it down near the "Welcome to Downtown Pocomoke" sign.. Kinda more in the center of things.

    But thinking positive, anything's great to have that makes the downtown better!

  2. Anonymous7:56:00 AM

    Seems pointless to me, they should have spent the money to fix up the lot. Plant grass, weed along the building, some landscaping. It would have provided a job to someone for a couple days as well.

    Who is going to stand in this? Not even a chair, walkway? Who decided to pay for this?

    And just look at the grass and debris along the sidewalk, come on p-city.

  3. Relax, 7:51. The project isn't completed.

    When I get more information on what is going on with the vacant lot and gazebo I will let people know.


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