Friday, April 6, 2012

"You can't make a weak man strong by making a strong man weak"(Lincoln)

Do you like your healthcare plan, or do you favor the government run healthscare?

Congressman Mike Rogers says it's "This or nothing"  "Punish the part that's working to cover the part that's not"  

I know that this is a little old (2 years) but I missed it and I wanted to share it with anyone else that missed it also. It's only 3.5 minuets long and the sad part is that I know that some people will stop the video almost as soon as it starts, so for those that want to, please reconsider and listen I urge everyone that has not heard this to listen and do a little critical thinking on the subject. Some things have changed for the better in the past two years and that's great, but, there is still a lot of work left to do and many of our Congressmen/Women are still in the dark about what "we the people" really want. 

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