Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July Fireworks Safety

From the Virginia Department of Forestry

While legal fireworks and sparklers are a popular part of July 4th celebrations, they are a danger to users, pets, and the environment. In many areas of Virginia, fireworks could become a cause of wildfires.

Fireworks that have finished burning are still extremely hot, and they can smolder in dry grass or leaves before a fire ignites. One spark is all it would take for a wildfire to start.

Keep a bucket of water; wet towel, and a fully-charged garden hose nearby. Children and pets should also be kept a safe distance away from igniting and spent fireworks.

Many types of fireworks (including firecrackers, sparklers, bottle rockets, skyrockets, torpedoes and other fireworks that explode, travel laterally, rise into the air, or fire projectiles into the air) are illegal in Virginia unless you are a licensed contractor. A good alternative to personal fireworks are the community displays. Check your local news source for information on times and locations, or go online.

Fireworks- Safety Tips
Contact your local county/city administration to be advised if fireworks have been banned or restricted, and a list of public displays available to attend. Follow these precautions when using fireworks:

Be Prepared!

  • Purchase only legal fireworks available at approved stands. Never make your own fireworks, and be on the lookout for teens experimenting with home made fireworks.
  • Know the laws for your area.
  • Keep a bucket of water nearby in which to place all used fireworks. Have a water hose or fire extinguisher nearby to put out stray sparks.
  • Clear a level area away from things that can burn.

Be Safe!

  • When lighting fireworks - Set family boundaries. Have a designated adult light all fireworks. Do not allow young children to light fireworks. Use eye protection, wear safety goggles. Light one at a time, move away quickly and keep at a safe distance until the display is finished. Use fireworks only outdoors and away from anything that can burn. To prevent injuries, never have any part of their body over a firework. Never throw fireworks and never hold fireworks in your hand.
  • Always read and follow the directions on the label. Never use fireworks indoors.
  • Light only one firework at a time—and never re-light a “dud” firework
  • Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers—and don’t even think about carrying them in your pocket!
  • do not use fireworks near woods or any combustible material, use fireworks outdoors and in a safe area away from fields, grassy areas, and buildings
  • Use fireworks in parking lots, driveways, and gravel or dirt areas
  • only use fireworks with adult supervision
  • follow the instructions provided
  • do not use under the influence of alcohol
  • have a rake or shovel as well as a bucket of water, wet towel, and a garden hose nearby.
  • monitor the area for several hours after using fireworks.

Be Responsible!

  • After you finish - Clean up all debris when finished. Duds can be dangerous; if a device does not light or fire, an adult should wait at least 15 minutes, approach it carefully, and place it in a bucket of water. Be sure all unused fireworks, matches and lighters are out of the sight and reach of children.
  • Dispose of fireworks properly. Soak them completely in water before putting them in the trash can.

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