Monday, July 30, 2012

From Virginia Congressman Scott Rigell

The Rigell Report: Washington Round Up

Dear Friend,

It was a busy week in Washington, and I want to share with you an update on some of the work that we are doing to serve you:

Advancing American Energy
Last week, the House voted AGAIN to open up America’s energy resources in an environmentally responsible way.  Unfortunately, the President is standing between the 18,000 jobs that could be created from Virginia’s coastal energy and the struggling unemployed or underemployed Americans who need those jobs.  He has a
full-stop moratorium on our off shore energy.  We can, we must, and we will offer Americans every opportunity to succeed in this great country.

Cutting Regulations and Red Tape for Small Businesses
The House
passed a bill last week to provide regulatory relief and cut red tape for our nation’s small businesses.  The answers to our nation’s most challenging fiscal issues begin with letting entrepreneurs do what they do best: innovate, build businesses, and create jobs.  I know from personal experience that the best thing the government can do for these hard-working Americans is to get out of the way!

Holding Government Accountable at Every Level (Auditing the Fed)
We must hold every aspect of government accountable for the way it spends our tax dollars.  That is why I co-sponsored and the
House passed a bill last week to require a full audit of the Federal Reserve.  Like so many Americans, I find it deeply troubling that the Fed has not been audited since its inception in 1913.  It is time for that to change.

Speaking Out About the Massive Defense Cuts
I had the privilege last week to
speak from the floor of the House of Representatives about the defense cuts that will affect each and every American if they are allowed to happen.  I look forward to joining Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Kelly Ayotte at a public townhall in Norfolk on Monday about this very subject.  If you can, please come out and share your concerns about what effect these drastic – but avoidable – cuts will have on our nation and our region. There is still sufficient time for us to come together and do what is right: find the common ground to counter these defense cuts with other federal savings.

As always, I appreciate your concern for our nation, and I encourage you to leave feedback for us on our
Facebook page.

Mindful that I work for you, I remain,

Yours in Freedom,


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