Saturday, July 21, 2012

Statement from Change Maryland Chairman Hogan

Statement from Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan
U.S. Department of Labor State Unemployment Report

Annapolis - The U.S. Department of Labor's State Unemployment survey showed today Maryland experiencing the third largest job loss in the nation among the states.  Maryland’s decrease in employment was 11,000 and the June unemployment rate inched up to 6.9%.

The report comes on the heels of dismal reports in which Maryland led most other states in job loss going back to the Spring of this year.

The unemployment rate is climbing having risen from 6.6% in March.  Meanwhile, Virginia is holding relatively steady at 5.7% and the differential of the rates between the two states is widening to record levels.

"Something isn't working here," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "Now would be an excellent time to re-evaluate our tax-and-spend approach to governing and start developing policies that increase private sector job growth.  It's unacceptable to have increases in the unemployment rate month after month."

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