Tuesday, August 28, 2012

From Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell

Recent Thefts From Vehicles in Pocomoke City

Due to a number of thefts from vehicles recently Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell would like to remind the citizens of Pocomoke to be sure your vehicle windows are up and locked when the vehicle is not in use. Remove all money- even small amounts of change- from areas such as cup holder or ashtray. LOCK purses, electronic devices and other valuables in the trunk.

If you should discover that your vehicle has been broken into or items have been taken call the police department before you make the attempt to get inside your car. Sometimes thieves leave a pattern or clues that can be easily noticed by an officer that could possibly lead an arrest of the person(s) responsible for these crimes.

Pocomoke City Police Department - (410) 957-1600

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