Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hurricane Season ~ Info You Can Use

August generally signals an increase in tropical weather. August and September are the top months for Hurricanes and Tropical Storms to threaten the Eastern Shore. WESR and A&N Electric Cooperative have produced the Hurricane Preparedness Guide on The Hurricane Preparedness Guide will give you a guide on how to prepare for potential tropical weather, what to do if one does strike here and how to deal with the aftermath of the storm. It's free and available to everyone on

There are a couple of things you can do now to help you better deal with an approaching storm. If you live in an area that is subject to flooding or you live in a mobile home you need to decide where you will ride out the storm out of the flood zone. If you need to know if you live in a flood zone, you can find out by clicking on the flood zone map. If you have friends or family on high ground make plans now to ride the storm out with them. Shelters, while available, need to be kept available for those who have nowhere else to go. Even if you live on high ground, if you live among large trees you may wish to go elsewhere during the worst of the storm.

Also, get your evacuation kit together. It should include any valuable papers you need to save, medicine if you have prescriptions, a flash light with extra batteries, a portable radio with batteries, cash in case credit or debit card systems go down, canned food and water to last at least three days and articles of clothing. You should also make plans ahead of time for your pets in case you need to go to a shelter where they are not permitted. If you have a boat in the water, plan what you will do to either secure it or get it out of the water.

The Eastern Shore came very close to being hit by a major storm last August 28 with Hurricane Irene. The ANEC WESR Hurricane Preparedness Guide is designed to help you prepare your property for what mother nature may dish out. WESR will be on the air during the event to serve the Eastern Shore with all of the latest information.


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