Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Night Out In Pocomoke City 2012

Pocomoke City's NATIONAL NIGHT OUT  2012
Hosted by the Pocomoke City Police Department

The kids loved this!  But then kids have the energy.  The older I become the more amazed I am with the things children can and will do.  Note:  to enter this house of a thousand bounces you have to crawl through a small door, or so it seemed.  Once inside you just bounce up and down, fall down, get up,  fall down again and continue that same routine for what seemed to me forever.  The amazing part, to me,  is when you have completed all the bouncing you crawl out the small door, get to your feet and continue onto something else.  Amazing!

Pocomoke City Manager Russ Blake and wife Lynn with Councilwoman Tracey Cottman
Officer Perkins with one of the city crew workers, I believe.

Mike Dean with Lt. Green and some other Pocomoke City Police Officers
Mayor Bruce Morrison with Councilwoman Diane Downing and Councilwoman Tracey Cottman
In this photo:  Rhonda Sewell, wife of Pocomoke City Police Chief, Councilwoman Downing, Mayor Morrison, Laura Morrison and Councilwoman Cottman.

Pictured with PCPD Chief Kelvin Sewell
What an honor it was to have Sen. Jim Mathias (left to right), MD State Police Commander of the Berlin Barracks- Lt. Earl Starner and Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby  attending the National Night Out in Pocomoke.

Also attending: Investigator for the Wor. Co. State's Attorney  Office- Rick Taylor and Special Investigator fof the Wor. Co. State's Attorney Office. 

Officer Perkins with Mike Dean
PFC 1st Class Ralph Corbin with Lt. Earl Starner and Tfc. Orndorff
from the MD. State Police Barracks in Berlin.  He is also a K-9 Handler.

These 3 were having a great time but didn't stick around longe enough to give me their names.

National Night Out events have proven to be effective all across America. 

Each National Night Out is an inexpensive and enjoyable  evening to promote neighborhood spirit and  police/community partnerships.  The outcome is to create a safer and more productive neighborhood, not just in one community but all across the nation.

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell has certainly kept his word when he wrote in   his Mission Statement "to provide the highest quality of police service" and to "develop a partnership with the community". What he has done in just a few short months with his department and for the great town of Pocomoke City is outstanding.

Be sure to thank them.


  1. Anonymous9:21:00 PM

    Only one organization under the tent? Who were they and is it the organization one of the council members is on the Board for? Is it the group that threw a fit last year as they were only given one table and went on to demand three?

  2. Anonymous9:22:00 PM

    Heard they didnt ask others to attend until last minute. Some not at all. Gotten political as you can see in the pictures.

  3. Anon 9:21 9:22
    If you have any photos to share send them to me. If not let me tell you this... I took every single one of the photos myself. I do not photograph small children because I have bad feeling about them on the internet. May sound odd to you but that's just me. There were lots of people there but since some people don't like a camera pointed in their face I didn't not distract them. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves a great deal.

    I know absolutely nothing about last year and don't care to. There's a new group of law enforcement officers in town and what was last year does NOT exist this year whether you like it or not.

    As for political you're just full of crap! I know these people, respect these people and these are the people your sorry ass will meet if you ever break the law! So get a good look at them baby. If you want to criticize something go elsewhere. I'm not wasting my time reading anymore of your sorry comments.

  4. Anonymous9:34:00 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Heard they didnt ask others to attend until last minute. Some not at all. Gotten political as you can see in the pictures."

    9:22:00 PM"

    This isn't an invitation only event. If there is a legitmate organzation that's related to the event that wants to attend then be proactive and ask for a spot. I'm sure it won't be denied. Don't sit around and wait for someone to do all the work for you. That's why some organizations are successful and other fail. The failures sit around waiting for everyone else to do everything for them. The successful organizations get out and do things for themselves.

  5. I cannot believe a person was able to attempt to find fault in the 2012 Pocomoke City Police Dept. National Night Out. I enjoyed a great evening there. Everyone ate, laughed, talked and got along very well. There was no trouble, the police presence made sure of that. It's certainly true what they say about some people, misery loves company. Pocomoke Public Eye you did a wonderful job with your photographs. The photographs show that Pocomoke City is The friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore. PPE please don't let one green apple spoil all the red apples in the basket. We love our Pocomoke Public Eye. Keep up the good work. God Bless our PPE

  6. Anonymous12:25:00 PM

    I can not believe it either that someone would find fault with the Night Out event.

  7. I also find it hard to believe that anyone could find fault with this community program. Everyone I saw was happy and having a good time. No one, individual or group was excluded by any means. If you did not attend, that was your choice. Not happy with that choice?, well then complain to yourself because that is the only person you have to blame. Don't come on here and try to bring everyone else down because you are not happy with a choice that YOU made.

    Councilman Clarke

  8. Anonymous11:56:00 PM

    The picture of the officer you could not identify is Tfc.Orndorff from the State Police Barracks in Berlin. He is a K9 handler.

  9. Thank you so much! I will make the change tomorrow.

  10. Angel Thornes11:43:00 PM

    I personally handle the Pocomoke City Community events and have done so for the last 8 years. I work endlessly on these events to assure they are great for the Community and all invloved. This years National Night Out Event was handled slightly different while awaiting on the approval of funds to be used. In the past years I start working on this event in March which allows 5 months to get everything in line to run without a hitch. The preparation time for the event this year was 45 days. (Keep in mind we moved into the new Police Department June 19, 2012) With being in the middle of moving out of the old police department then into the new police department and assuring everything runs smooth in the new police department we had to do what we could when we could. Flyers were printed and posted, news releases were printed on PPE and the daily times saying "contact me if interested in vlounteering for this event". Phone calls were received stating they were not invited and they were advised this is a Nationwide Community event everyone is invited to their towns event and no formal invitations will be sent. They were advised to let me know how many tables and chairs were needed if any or if they were interested in setting up a table or they could simply just volunteer to help where needed. Some callers participated and some didnt. The ones that did volunteer to help out I am very grateful for you. The ones that didnt I hope to see you next year. This was definitely not a political event. This was an event to bring the community together with local Law Enforcement in a fight to reduce crime in our neighborhood. The Political party that was present are there EVERY year. We always have support from the City Manager, Mayor, Council Members, Senator, Chief of Police, MSP,Worcester County Sheriffs Office, Worcester County States Attorneys Office and many more. This should be a great thing; it shows and proves we all work together in Worcester County. This is a totally free event for the Community and everyone in the Community comes together to join in on a great time. The event was again another huge success. The Pocomoke City National Night Out is the biggest NNO event on the Eastern Shore without question. The support we receive from the local businesses and citizens is Phenomenal.


    Angel Thornes


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