Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pocomoke City "National Night Out" 2012

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell and the Pocomoke City Police Department did an excellant job  in hosting the National Night Out in Pocomoke last night.  I'm sure lots of the planning was left up to Angel and some others and they did a marvelous job!  A big thank you to all of you from me.  Great job!!

Pocomoke City certainly has had lots of great things happening in the past few months.  Most of  accomplishments  had been on the drawing board for quite awhile.  New restaurants, ribbon cutting ceremonies, a block party, a new station for the Pocomoke City Police Department, a new Pocomoke City Police Chief....the list goes on.  However, as excited as we all are when these things come around there is always a part in some (including myself)  that think of those that have passed this lifetime and wish so much they were here to enjoy what would have made them so proud also. 

 Councilman Honis Cane, Mayor Curt Lippoldt and Councilman Bob Hawkins....  They would be excited.  Most of all they would be proud.

The late Councilman Bob Hawkins in a photograph with Retired Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin.

Mayor Bruce Morrison with Pocomoke City Chief Kelvin Sewell
Thanks for everything Mr. Mayor and Chief!
Laura and Mayor Morrison
Chief Sewell and Laura.  By the way, that's my husband in the background.  Bless his heart.  I drug him right from work to Cypress Park.  I appreciate the fact that he understands how important it is for me to be in Pocomoke and how much I love these people.....(they let me take their pictures)  Besides, my husband keeps upgrading my cameras so it's partly "his fault".

The first person to greet me at the park yesterday evening was someone I have known forever and had not seen for many years.  That's Oscar Townsend on the left with Councilman Don Malloy, Chief Sewell, and Councilman Rob Clarke.
Most of us were thinking hot dogs for dinner but hamburgers and french fries were served.  These guys did some fast grilling and lots of it.  Thanks to all of you.  It was great!

OC 104 kept the music going....and going....

 Pocomoke Karate showed all of us what they could do.  The young people are amazing!  The discipline they have is just amazing...even for the tiny ones.

Not a very nice photo of the small dog.  He was standing in line and seemed to actually have a smile on his tiny face. 

I believe this is Pocomoke City Police Lt. Green speaking with a couple of gentlemen who stopped by for National Night Out.

There's more............

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