Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan on Martin O'Malley's DNC Remarks

Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan on Martin O'Malley's DNC Remarks:

Annapolis - "Governor O’Malley talks a lot about 'moving forward' but here in Maryland his policies have slammed us into reverse and have us stuck in a ditch.

If Governor O'Malley worked in a bipartisan manner in his six years in office, state government would have made the tough choices needed to restore economic performance. Instead, he criticizes others and relishes partisan attack-dog politics rather than focusing on the hard work of governing.

"Under Martin O'Malley, Maryland lags behind our region in attracting jobs, businesses and those who pay taxes. Make no mistake, modern investments in a modern economy is just code language for more tax-and-spend governing like we have had here in Maryland."

Change Maryland is the state's largest non-partisan grass roots
citizen's organization.


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