Friday, September 21, 2012

Dr. Pepper Leads To Breaking and Entering, Grand Larceny Convictions

By: Connie Morrison
An open can of Dr. Pepper proved to be the link that tied Heather Anne Crutchley to the interior of a Melfa home that was the target of breaking and entering and grand larceny in April 2012.

According to Accomack County Assistant Commonwealths Attorney Spencer Morgan, the homeowners son returned home to find items in disarray. Clothes and household items had been rifled, the mini-refrigerator was partially open, and an open can of Dr. Pepper was on the kitchen counter top. An investigation led to Ms. Crutchley, who denied going into the house, but admitted to taking a sander she claimed had not been returned to her. The investigator asked for a DNA swab, which was sent, along with a DNA swab from the can, to a lab for analysis. Lab results returned a couple of months later confirmed the DNA on both swabs was identical. When Ms. Crutchley was confronted with the results, she admitted to being inside the home.

A number of items were taken, including cash, gift cards, jewelry, and coins. Ms. Crutchley admitted only to taking a bracelet and some Australian coins, which were sufficient to meet the $250 threshold for grand larceny.

Ms. Crutchley pled guilty to both charges, and after hearing the evidence, Judge W. Revell Lewis III found her guilty. Ms. Crutchley was already in jail awaiting sentencing on a drug charge, and will be sentenced for these new convictions the same day October 4.

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