Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pocomoke City Mayor & Council Meeting Minutes/8/6/12

August 6, 2012

The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday August 6, 2012. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Rob Clarke, Diane Downing,
Donald L. Malloy, George Tasker
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice

Review Minutes:
In a motion (Downing, Malloy passed), to approve the minutes of July 2, 2012.

Review Bills:
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).

Tim Richo and Adrian Smith to request use of vacant City property for football training activities:
Mayor Morrison stated that he understood that they would like to use the vacant City property for football training. Mr. Richo and Mr. Smith used the lot a couple of weeks ago for football training camps and that went very well.
Councilman Malloy asked about how many kids participated in the football camp.
Mr. Smith stated about 50 kids participated.
Mayor Morrison asked if they had a sponsor and about their plans to carry out the program, (insurance, etc).
Mr. Richo stated that a local bike club the “Redliners”will be their sponsor. The. Salvation Army said that they would provide insurance for the program.
Mayor Morrison asked if they could provide a letter from the Salvation Army.
Mayor Morrison stated that a lease agreement would need to be signed and submit proof of insurance before practice can begin.
In a motion (Tasker, Downing passed), to allow Tim Richo and Adrian Smith to use the vacant City property for football training activities once all documents have been received and signed.

Authorize Mayor to sign Emergency Res. No. 465 authorizing submission of 2012 Community Legacy Grant application:
Mayor Morrison read for the record Resolution No. 465.
In a motion (Clarke, Downing passed) to authorize the Mayor to sign Resolution 465 to submit Community Legacy Grant Application. Roll call: Downing, aye; Tasker, aye; Malloy, aye; Clarke, aye.

Authorize submission of a Community Parks and Playground application for golf course and fairgrounds grandstand improvements to D.N.R.
City Manager Blake stated that he would like to submit four CP&P projects this year: for Golf course improvements to include: paving cart paths #2 and #9; a new maintenance shop; and HVAC for the Log Cabin; and Fair Grounds Park-grandstand repairs.
The total for these projects would be approximately $109,500 and the application is due August 20. The City would need to contribute 10% to 15% if the applications are granted.
In a motion (Malloy, Tasker passed) for submission of a Community Parks and Playground application for the referenced projects.

Review letters of recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission:

  1. Wayne Lambertson Subdivision:
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Chairman Seidel approving a subdivision plat for Wayne Lambertson, tax map 92 parcel 204. (U.S. Rt. 13).
In a motion (Tasker, Malloy passed) to approve Wayne Lamberston subdivision request for tax map 92 parcel 204.

  1. Boundary realignment plat for D.C.M. Leasing, LLC (Buchanan Subaru):
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Chairman Seidel recommending boundary realignment plat for D.C.M. Leasing, LLC tax map 84, parcels 285,307,319,329 and 335.
In a motion (Malloy, Clarke passed) to approve boundary realignment plat for D.C.M. Leasing, LLC.

  1. Buchanan Subaru site plan:
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Chairman Seidel concerning site plans for Buchanan Subaru at the former Frostrom Subaru.
Mr. Mark Frostrom stated that when D.C.M. Leasing, LLC bought the dealership, they were required to build a new building and update the facility.
In a motion (Tasker, Clarke) to accept the concept plan for Buchanan Subaru, as recommended by the Commission.

Discuss letter from property owners Mike Dunn and Gene Dunn regarding recent inspection at 124 Willow Street. (Former Lawson’s Bar):
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Dunn Realty for the record. Mayor Morrison stated that they were given 30 days to respond to a recent inspection of 124 Willow Street. The Dunn’s stated that they plan to demolish and remove the southeastern section of the building. Once the demolition is completed there will be some miscellaneous repairs to the exterior wall and they anticipate completion would be around January 2013.
In a motion (Tasker, Clarke passed) to accept proposed plans and schedule regarding partial demolition and repairs to building at of 124 Willow Street.

Authorize purchases of new equipment:
  1. New garbage truck:
City Manager Blake stated the Public Works Superintendent Bill East has been contacting all local and known dealers and he has gotten three (3) quotes with Tom’s Trucks being the low bid of $136,900 for a 2013 Kenworth Chassis with 25 C.Y. Pak-Mor Packer. Maryland Industrial Trucks bid for a 2012 Freightliner Chassis with 25 C.Y. New Way Packer was $138,655, and the Barr International bid for a 2013 International Chassis with 25 C.Y. Pak-Mor Packer was $139,642.
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to accept Tom’s Trucks bid in the amount of $136,900 for a 2013 Kenworth Chassis with 25 C.Y. Pak-Mor Packer and waiving the normal bidding process.

  1. Used Tee Mower ($12,995)
City Manager Blake stated the Golf Course Superintendent Doug Guns has received two quotes for a used tee mower one from Finch Services with low quote of $12, 995. The other quote was from Turf Equipment in the amount of $15,000.
In a motion (Tasker, Clarke passed) to accept Finch Services Inc. in the amount of $12,955 for a John Deere tee mower , and waiving the normal bidding process.

  1. Ambulance:
City Manager Blake stated that the ambulance was brought up in the spring, but now that the budget has been approved the Department would like to order it.
In a motion (Malloy, Clarke passed) to purchase from FESCO Emergency Sales in the amount of $169,483, based on bids received earlier this year.

Review preliminary inspection report from Hamblin and Associates, Inc. for Armory building at 300 Second Street:
City Manager Blake stated that last month the Mayor & Council authorized a contract with Hamblin & Associates to do an inspection of the Armory building. Mr. Hamblin responded today with a preliminary evaluation. There are some parts of the building that they have not evaluated. However, they have looked at the structure and roof. According to this letter there is a structural problem with the right side wall of the main building showing signs of wall movement. The front entrance ramp has a structural problem, and the building needs major masonry repair and point up. The roof is at the end its economic life. The front flat roof has seen years of make-shift repairs. It needs to be stripped, insulation board installed for energy efficiency and to channel water to the roof drain, and roof replaced. The gym roof has very little remaining life; it should be stripped off and replaced. There is water damage shown on the side of the building in several places, lead paint, mold, fungus and asbestos floor tiles. The building is not handicap accessible and would not meet the ADA requirements at this date. Basically he recommended getting inspections of the boiler and looking at other areas that he has not seen yet. He recommended hiring a structural engineer to evaluate primarily the right side wall but also to provide an overview of the entire building. We will also need phase one and phase two environmental studies and have an architect draw plans once the use of the building is determined. First would be to repair the masonry walls, replace roofs, windows and doors to stabilize the building from further deterioration.
Mayor Morrison stated that there wasn’t much that they could do until a final report was completed but it sounds very costly to repair.
Councilman Tasker asked if the Armory was an historic building.
City Manager Blake stated that it is not a on the historical register, but it is in a historic district.

Discuss status of proposed lease and conditions with Save the Youth of Armory gym:
Bishop Jenkins stated that they were there to see if they can be approved to use the armory building.
Mayor Morrison stated that most of the things that were asked of Save the Youth have not been completed and a list was given to them a couple of times. After hearing the report on the building it is almost scary for anybody to be in that building of safety concerns.
Councilman Malloy stated that he would like to see the building closed before the City has assumed a lot of liability. The building is in bad shape and very nasty. There is a lot of dampness and mold and we are finding more and more things wrong with the building.
Councilwoman Downing stated that she would like to have all the reports before making a decision, but she would like for Save the Youth to use the gym for the summer.
Mayor Morrison stated that something happened two weeks ago that should not have happened. A certain gentleman had taken it upon himself to allow somebody go into the building and use the gym without permission, and that put the City in a bad position. There were kids upstairs and other places in the building.
Bishop Jenkins stated that that person had no business doing what he did, but he did, and he is no longer president of the Board of Directors.
Councilwoman Downing asked what was missing from the list.
City Manager Blake that they were given a written list and they the City has not received anything in writing showing what has been completed.
Mayor Morrison stated that the building needs to be closed until a final report is completed.
Councilman Tasker asked if they could use the building across the street on Maple Street.
Bishop Jenkins stated that it was too small for them.
Mayor Morrison asked if Bishop Jenkins’ office could be there.
Bishop Jenkins’ and his group then left the meeting room.

First Reading of Ord. No. 410 regarding Ethics:
AN ORDINANCE enacted by the City Council of Pocomoke City to
amend Chapter 37 of the Pocomoke City Code to comply with the
local government requirements of Subtitle 8 of the Maryland Public
Ethics Law (Md. Code Ann. State Gov’t Title 15 (Suppl.2022)).

Discuss 2012-13 Community Greening Program Grant:
Councilman Clarke stated that Chesapeake Bay Trust has announced the 2012-13 Community Greening Grant Program. The goal of the program is to increase the percentage of tree canopy and green spaces in urban areas, encouraging communities in the state to integrate trees and natural areas into stormwater management. The deadline to apply is Friday, September 28, 2012.

Comments from Audience:
Josh Nordstorm, President Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber had hired an executive director; her hours will be Tuesday-Saturday 10-4 PM. Brooke Cottman is working in the office as an intern. They have rearranged the Chamber office which is now more welcoming. The outside has been power washed by the City and is ready to be painted. The County is giving the Chamber $3,000 toward new brochures and he requested the City to match the County. Mr. Nordstorm also discussed Pocomoketoberfest that will be held in October.
Mayor Morrison thanked Mr. Nordstorm for coming in and giving an update on the Chamber.
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to match the funds from Worcester County in the amount of up to $3,000 for new brochures for the Chamber.
Mr. Nordstorm thanked the Mayor and Council for their support.
City Manager Blake stated that the Chamber would need to complete a lease agreement and get their one day beer and wine license for their festival in October.

Bill Kerbin stated that there was a safety issue with the crosswalk on Market Street for the new restaurant. It really needs to be further away from the bridge because traffic crossing the south lane can’t see pedestrians He asked if it could be moved.
City Manager Blake stated that is the only place the State could place the crosswalk because of the curbing, but maybe there could be better signage.
J.D. Ervin suggested that the State Hwy could put up flashing lights for the pedestrian crossing.

In a motion (Downing, Malloy passed) to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M.


Carol L. Justice
City Clerk

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