Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Voter Suppression" In Last Snow Hill Election To Be Investigated

Somerset Prosecutor To Probe Snow Hill Election Allegations
By Staff Writer Travis Brown
SNOW HILL -- Investigations into accounts of voter suppression during the last Snow Hill election in May have been transferred to Somerset County State’s Attorney Daniel W. Powell, despite the protests of the man bringing the claims.

“We would have preferred that our State’s Attorney investigated the matter,” said Edward S. Lee, a member of the Snow Hill Circle of Leaders who is spearheading the request for an investigation.

Lee asserted that the “outcome of this decision could have statewide implications” and should have been handled by someone familiar with the area that is also known by the community.

“I do not know the State’s Attorney in Somerset County; I do not know what he stands for or his beliefs,” said Lee.

Lee has accused Snow Hill’s recently-elected Mayor Charlie Dorman of “voter suppression” including stuffing campaign literature into absentee ballots, unauthorized surveillance of voters and intercepting and interfering with leaflets from a local church and using them to self-promote his bid at election.

For his part, Dorman declined to comment on Lee’s accusations at the time, only saying that he was willing to wait for the investigation to “run its course” and doesn’t expect any wrongdoing to be confirmed.

“When it comes back it will prove, I’ve done nothing wrong,” Dorman said.


  1. Anonymous5:17:00 PM

    Edward S. Lee is a professional victim and has been for the last 30 years, if not more. No matter what the cause, no matter what the issue, no matter what the circumstances, it's always someone else's fault and Mr. Lee is always the victim.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous7:09:00 PM

    Many others hold those same sentiments.

  3. Anonymous9:00:00 PM

    He's also pretty good at milking government programs to line his pockets. How many millions did he rake in on his Porcine Farms project? That makes Solyndra look like a kindergarten deal.

  4. "Lee has accused Snow Hill’s recently-elected Mayor Charlie Dorman of “voter suppression” including stuffing campaign literature into absentee ballots"

    Pot, meet Kettle.

    “I do not know the State’s Attorney in Somerset County; I do not know what he stands for or his beliefs,” said Lee.

    Erm, well duh....I do believe that's the idea.

    Eddy Lee knows stuffing better than Stove-Top

  5. Anonymous4:49:00 PM

    Though I'm sure this is much ado about nothing I can not help but liking Eddy Lee and enjoy talking to him when I see him which is rarely.


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