Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Donald Trump To Drop "Obama Bombshell" Today

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A report this afternoon in Britain’s Daily Mail says the “surprise” Donald Trump is scheduled to announce Wednesday is that Michelle and Barack Obama once seriously considered getting a divorce.
Neither Trump nor anyone at his organization would elaborate on the subject of the coming announcement.

But the Daily Mail said Douglas Kass, a Florida-based investor who also appears on CNBC’s talk show called “Squawkbox,” tweeted “High above the Alps my Gnome has heard that Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife.”

Kass and Trump both appear on the talk show at times.
Kass is an author, found and president of Seabreeze Partners Management.

Author Ed Klein in his book earlier this year made claims about divorce papers, and the White House “rubbished the allegations” the report said.

At the Trump organization, a top aide to Trump says the billionaire will reveal a secret about Barack Obama on Wednesday – probably on Twitter – that could be of interest to “millions of Americans.”

The confirmation came today to WND from Mike Cohen, Trump’s assistant, who said that only three people know what Trump will reveal: Trump, his wife, and himself.

But he also said that the revelation “has nothing to do with drug usage,” in contradiction to several published reports today that said Trump will expose claims Obama dealt drugs during college.

Trump said in a tweet:”Everybody is asking about my announcement this Wednesday concerning Barack Obama – just wait and see!”


  1. Anonymous6:08:00 PM

    What's that furry thing on the top of his head? The world wonders.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous6:15:00 PM

    The Humane Society has offered Trump $5.00 if he will release that thing back into the woods.


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