Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Maryland Gets Pummeled Again......

 Maryland gets Pummeled Again in Prominent Business Climate Index

Annapolis - Change Maryland responded to the Tax Foundation's annual release today of the 2013 State Business Climate Tax Index,  a widely-watched barometer of states' ability to attract companies and jobs.

Maryland's ranking of 41 again makes the dubious list of the 10 lowest ranked, or worst, states in the country.

"Since 2007, in addition to losing 6,500 small businesses, Maryland has lost 31,000 residents of tax-paying households and 36,000 jobs, said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "It's no coincidence that our lopsided tax code is causing this weakness in economic performance."

Under Governor Martin O'Malley, taxes and fees have been raised 24 times, removing an additional $2.4 billion out of the economy each year.

The non-partisan Tax Foundation compares corporate, individual income, sales, unemployment insurance and property taxes among the 50 states.



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