Sunday, October 21, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Aboard the new steamer Eastern Shore, 1883.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material) 

March, 1883

(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)

Launch of the new Steamer Eastern Shore.

reprinted from Wilmington Morning News, Feb. 22nd.

Today, at high water, about 1 p. m., the steamer Eastern Shore will be launched from the yards of the Harlan & Hollingsworth Company. She is an iron side-wheel boat built for the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company to run from Baltimore to points on the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia, connecting with the Eastern Shore railroad at Crisfield. The new boat, with the Tangier, Helen and Maggie, will make a fleet of four boats provided by this company for the accommodation of the people of the Eastern Shore.

The Eastern Shore is to be fitted up in a first-class manner for the accommodation of 250 passengers, at the same time having a freight capacity of 3,500 barrels. The main saloon is 125 feet long, 20 feet wide, the staterooms on each side, 30 in all, running from aft forward, where a circular room about 30 feet in diameter is used as a dining saloon, with 6 tables capable of accommodating 50 persons, tables and chairs of mahogany and the fittings equal to any first-class steamer on the bay. Forward of the paddle box on the starboard side is the gentlemen's smoking room; abaft is the ladies' toilet. On the port side is the pantry and the gentleman's toilet. Fine promenading space is afforded forward and aft of the saloon on this deck. The furniture of the saloon is solid mahogany with maroon plush upholstering.

Descending to the main deck the after part of the boat is fitted for a ladies' private cabin with berths above and below, about 30 in all. On the port side is the office, and forward of the wheel the kitchen, ice house and engineers' quarters. On the starboard side is a wash room and barber shop; forward of the wheel the package room and saloon for colored people. On the lower deck, commencing aft, is the ladies' private cabin, enclosed in an iron bulkhead, making it one of the compartments spoken of before. Forward of this is the gentlemen's cabin with sixty-three berths, then another bulkhead. Beyond this are the boilers and engine, coal, bunks and firemen's quarters, and enclosed in a bulkhead, making the third compartment, and forward of this are quarters for colored men and women, accommodations for 25 on each side. This is also bulkheaded and divided in the centre, making the fourth compartment. Forward of the last bulkhead are quarters for the sailors and waiters separated by a partition.

The captain's room on the hurricane deck abaft the pilothouse is large and elegantly furnished. — Abaft that again are two rooms for the mates and quartermasters. The clerk's room is on the starboard side of the main saloon and the stewards' on the opposite side next the pantry, all being fitted with a view to comfort and in harmony with the general character of the boat.

The officers of the boat have not all been selected yet, but it is generally understood that Captain Geo. A. Raynor of the steamer Maggie will command her. Nothing in the boat line in point of equipment for comfort and safety and general adaptation to the traffic along the Eastern Shore exceeds the new boat, which will go upon this line in April.

September, 1957

(Salisbury Times)


Goodman Puts Snow Hill Into Finals

Manager Bill Goodman southpawed Snow Hill into the Central Shore League playoff finals yesterday afternoon with a 3-1 win over the Delmar Railroaders at Memorial Field.

The Worcester Countians now oppose the Sharptown Eagles in the best of three final series beginning Sunday, Oct. 13.
Goodman handcuffed the pennant winning Railroaders with six hits, fanning five and not issuing a base on balls.

September, 1957
(Salisbury Times)


Baltimore Colts Run Roughshod Over Detroit Lions

Unitas Shines As Marchetti Batters Backs

The Baltimore Colts were at their magnificent best, that's all.

This just about describes the Hosses opening season win over the Detroit Lions yesterday, 34-14, in Baltimore's Memorial Stadium.

A noisy crowd of 40,112 screamed itself hoarse as they watched their favorites outplay the Motor City opposition in every phase of the game.

A hard charging foursome consisting of Gino Marchetti, Don Joyce, Art Donovan, and Eugene (Big Daddy) Lipscom smeared Bobby Lane and his understudy, Tobin Rote.

Unitas made good 14 completions in 23 passing attempts, tossing to four touchdowns while the defensive line held Detroit to 23 yards.

May, 1930

Princess Anne's new Preston Theater was opening with Western Electric Sound System- "Only Installation South Of Dover."

March, 1926

The commander of the First Regiment, Maryland National Guard and his pilot escaped injury in an airplane mishap near Pocomoke City. They had left Logan Field near Baltimore for an inspection tour of the Eastern Shore. As reported by The Daily Mail of Hagerstown: The mishap occurred when the plane was descending at Hurley Field, near Pocomoke City. The plane did not have sufficient elevation to clear a ditch which loomed up ahead and the wing struck a tree, badly damaging the plane. 

July, 1887

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md)



Will open for the season in 1887 on July 1st. This hotel is situated about 100 feet from Chincoteague Bay and only a short distance from the Ocean, with a large shady lawn in front, it is an inviting and comfortable place during the entire day. The table is always supplied with oysters, clams, fish, and every fresh and still water luxury. Accommodations for 250 guests.
All parties of five or more will be met by our yacht and conveyed free of charge to the beach from either Ocean City, Public Landing, Stockton, Girdletree or Franklin City if we are notified.
Terms $7 per Week. $1.50 per Day.

J.T. WATERS & W.T. SCOTT, Prop'rs.
P.O. Stockton, Md.

Footnote: Green Run Beach was located on Assateague Island about 20 miles south of where Ocean City came into existence in the mid 1870's. The Ocean House began attracting visitors in 1865. Ocean City's more convenient accessibility may have led to the eventual demise of Green Run Beach.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:43:00 PM

    The Indianapolis Colts are nothing like the Baltimore Colts used to be. The year after Indianapolis won the Super Bowl they hired me to do some consulting work for the stadium and practice facility. The job entailed a lot of time, travel and expense. The entire staff, from the owner on down, were a bunch of asshats. When the job was complete their attitude was, "Hey, we are the World Champions! Do you actually expect us to pay the bill?"

    Your friend,


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