Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bus Driver Could Lose Job Over Threat

Written by
Anne McNamara
NEW CHURCH, Va. (WAVY) - Residents on the Eastern Shore are rallying around an Accomack County bus driver accused of threatening a child.

Parents are upset Leon Harmon has been taken off the bus route he has driven for more than 30 years. They say they feel safer with Harmon at the wheel and that children get home later because of the change.

Supporters of Harmon held a meeting Wednesday night to prepare for another meeting with the school board. They started a petition to keep Harmon on his route. 

"Our kids love Leon, we love Leon,"Pamela Lynch, who has kids in the school system, said. "We've known Leon. He's a member of our community. Myself, I've known him 35 years. He drove me as a child."

Harmon, who would not go on camera for fear he would lose his job, says he is currently suspended with pay. He says an elementary school student, who was new to the bus, accused him of making a verbal threat. Lynch says she saw the child acting out when she was getting her daughter off the bus.

"There was yelling coming from the back of the bus. When I looked to the back of the bus, I did see a small child, stood up, was speaking to Leon in somewhat of a loud voice, began beating on the window. At that point, I did hear Mr. Leon turn around to correct the child," said Lynch.

"What I heard Leon say was something to the effect of... 'Boy you speaking like that you need a hand in that mouth.' Not that he was physically going to put his hand in his mouth," Lynch said.

Harmon maintains he did not threaten the child. He says the surveillance camera on the bus was not working at the time. Harmon says his options now are to resign, switch routes or appeal to the school board. He plans to appeal.

"He's just a wonderful person," said Connie Burford, a supporter. "He's a good guy."

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Hall tells Harmon is no longer driving his route, but she could not comment further, citing this as a personnel issue.

The school board meeting will be held Tuesday.

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