Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Change Maryland's Growth Surges to 25,000

Annapolis, MD - Change Maryland, the state's fastest-growing, independent, nonpartisan, grassroots movement, has surged to 25,000 members from every county in Maryland. Founded 18 months ago by successful businessman and former Maryland Cabinet Secretary Larry Hogan, the organization's primary mission is to increase the state's economic performance and job growth.

The only way to bring about real change in Maryland is to build a coalition of Republicans, Independents, and fiscally conservative and moderate Democrats. That is exactly what Change Maryland has been doing so effectively. It unites people of all parties to work together to bring reform, fiscal responsibility and common sense to Annapolis.

The group now has more than twice as many Facebook followers than the Maryland Democratic and Republican parties combined and more than all the potential statewide candidates added together.

"This isn't just another fight between Democrats and Republicans, it's more important than that. This is a fight for Maryland’s economic future and it’s a fight worth fighting,” said Change Maryland founder and Chairman Larry Hogan. "Everyone is concerned about developing a vibrant economy that produces private sector jobs, realizing greater take home pay and increasing the tax base to pay for essential government services."

In a much-needed step to restore credibility and transparency with the business community, Change Maryland analyzes and reports economic data that the O'Malley Administration repeatedly seeks to downplay, ignore or obfuscate  For example, Maryland has lost 6500 businesses and 31,000 members of taxpaying households between 2007 and 2010 - some of the sharpest declines in the region.   The state's job losses since 2007 likewise cement Maryland's place as a regional laggard in economic performance.  

Another key statistic Change Maryland reported is the 24 tax and fee hikes enacted since 2007 which remove an additional $2.4 billion from the pockets of hard working families each year.   Most recently, Change Maryland is the first organization to call attention to the Genuine Progress Indicator, a blatantly political marketing tool designed to mask the state's poor economic performance.

Hogan's business, governing and political experience make him well-suited to chart a course for increasing Maryland's economic performance and job growth.

As a successful small business owner for 25 years, Hogan has been a leader in economic development, bringing hundreds of businesses to the state and has assisted in the creation of thousands of jobs.

Hogan is no stranger to Maryland's governing structure, where as a cabinet secretary during the Ehrlich Administration, he handled the appointment of over 7,000 people to all three branches of government, including legislators, cabinet secretaries, administrators, regulators and nearly 100 judges statewide.

In the political arena, Hogan was the presumed Republican nominee for Governor in 2010 until Gov. Bob Ehrlich decided to enter the race. Prior to that, Ehrlich called Hogan "the only Republican in Maryland with a chance to win statewide."  Maryland's most powerful Democrat, Rep. Steny Hoyer, called Hogan the toughest opponent he has ever faced in his entire career. In a district that was 3.5 to 1 Democrat to Republican, Hogan beat Hoyer in 4 out of 5 Democratic counties.

"Maryland has a lot going for it," said Hogan, "but the entrenched, monopoly party leadership is simply not concerned with our economic problems, and the results speak for themselves."


Change Maryland's newsletter is here:

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