Friday, November 9, 2012

In Case You Missed It ~ Change Maryland

Maryland: A lonely state for RepublicansWashington Times 11.08.12

"Larry Hogan, who has railed against Democratic-driven tax increases in the state, said Republicans can unite both their base and non-Republicans by focusing on one issue: the economy. Most people want private-sector growth and jobs, not more government."

Watch out for the latest progressive scheme: the Genuine Progress Indicator
National Review 10.25.12

"It is troubling that the GPI can be used to simply paper over economic statistics political leaders dislike. Under O’Malley, Maryland is falling further behind its regional competitors, according to objective, accepted, and proven measures supplied by legitimate organizations." - Change Maryland

O'Malley Again Uses State Resources To Promote Misleading Economic Data
SBY News 10.20.12

"There is no need to have economic development staff waste time concocting convoluted charts and graphs for what is simple and undeniable math," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "If the governor really cares about job growth, he should order his staff to determine what the problems are..."

Radical-in-chief in Annapolis

Maryland Public Policy Institute 10.19.12

"The GPI is important because what we measure is who we will become. Redefining growth will put us on a path to a bigger, more expensive, and more overreaching government than we already have at a time we can least afford it."

Unemployment Insurance Taxes Drop after Rising

St. Mary's County Times 10.19.12

Larry Hogan, of Change Maryland, which has dogged the administration at every turn on virtually every policy position, said that the tax rate reduction was a minuscule accomplishment.

Latest Numbers Confirms Maryland's Status as Regional Laggard in Economy

Gazette 10.19.12

“The fact remains that Maryland is a regional laggard in loss of taxpayers, job growth and businesses,” said Larry Hogan, chairman of economic watchdog group Change Maryland.

Odds and Ends No. 61
Monoblogue 10.17.12

"Finally, another requirement the Democrats in charge of Annapolis seem to be flunking is honesty in economic reporting. Instead of giving us the real news – which has been generally bad – they’re resorting to obfuscation. Change Maryland sent this along to me last week.."

O'Malley unveils progress yardstick
Annapolis Capitol 10.13.12

"Change Maryland, an economic watchdog group founded by Larry Hogan, is not impressed with O’Malley’s new yardstick."

New progress index pits wealth vs. well-being
Maryland Reporter 10.12.12

"This is an effort to throw out real economic reports and adopt a radical propaganda campaign inspired by the failed model of central economic planning." - Change Maryland

Change Maryland on Raising State Debt Limit
Pocomoke Public Eye 10.2.12

"The O'Malley Administration proved to everyone that with more revenues, come more spending.  In their view, a debt-induced spending binge will somehow create thousands of jobs, the estimates of which are pulled out of thin air," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.

Layoffs in State Resume Disturbing Trend
Examiner 9.27.12

"We have heard on many occasions that Maryland is a job creation pit - the group Change Maryland has picked up thousands of Facebook followers and made Larry Hogan a person in political demand simply by pointing this out."

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