Saturday, November 17, 2012

Man Pleads Guilty To Attempt Of Arson On House He Owns

By Connie Morrison
 Kevin Eugene Taylor appeared in Accomack County Circuit Court November 15 to answer a charge of attempted arson on a house he owns on Saxis Road.

According to Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar, Mr. Taylor bought an insurance policy on the home about one month before a fire partially burned it. The fire was later determined to have been intentionally set. In that case, Mr. Taylor had paid an individual to burn the house down. That individual, John Dorsey, was convicted in August for his part in the scheme and is scheduled to be sentenced in December.

When the first effort failed, Mr. Taylor took matters into his own hands, constructing and assembling a homemade explosive device connected to a timer. Mr. Taylor had painted graffiti on an adjacent outbuilding to deflect suspicion from himself. The device failed to detonate.

Mr. Thompson pled guilty, and based on the plea and evidence summarized by the Commonwealth, Judge W. Revell Lewis III found Mr. Taylor guilty, and remanded him to jail to await sentencing.


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