Monday, November 26, 2012

Reform Economic Development To Attract Jobs

Annapolis, MD - Change Maryland proposed solutions today to generate jobs, focusing specifically on the state's economic development efforts. The National Governor's Association recently examined what states can do to advance job creation by re-evaluating traditional approaches to economic development, providing much of the underpinnings in Change Maryland's proposed solutions. Developing a performance monitoring system - a key recommendation of the nations' governors - will enhance the state's credibility within the government itself,  business community and individuals of all political parties interested in job growth.

"People demand a modern government that is honest, open and transparent in the way it does things," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "Nowhere is that more important than the critical task of attracting jobs to Maryland."

The NGA report highlights “Virginia Performs” which tracks a wide range of data, most notably business climate and employment growth.  A performance trend indicator - improving, maintaining, worsening – discloses the strengths and weaknesses in Virginia's economy.  Such a system in Maryland would evaluate and transform data into actionable intelligence for forging bipartisan policy solutions in the General Assembly and regulatory agencies.    Data available to inform such policy decisions range from federal economic statistics to private third-party metrics which Change Maryland has been collecting, reporting and analyzing.  

"There is no reason that Democrats, Republicans and Independents can't work together on the shared goals of increasing employment," said Hogan.  "First we need to get on the same page and provide basic economic information in one place so we can see where we are going and how to get there."

The Change Maryland report, "Solutions for Increasing Economic Performance and Jobs," is a candid assessment of the state's current economic development efforts, the focal point of which is Maryland's Department of Business and Economic Development.   Both culturally and organizationally, DBED is a political marketing agency, not a job creating organization.

"We need to ramp up our state's economic development efforts and return to our core mission of attracting jobs," said Hogan. "Maryland can become a leader in economic development and attracting jobs."

Another key Change Maryland solution to attracting jobs is to reorganize DBED to emphasize recruiting business facilities - corporate headquarters, warehouses, office space and the like - to Maryland.  Currently, department resources prioritize administrative and marketing functions over facilities recruitment.

Change Maryland proposes sweeping reforms to DBED in three broad areas:

1. Increase Transparency
2. Measure Internal Performance
3. Reorganize to Attract Jobs



"Solutions for Increasing Economic Performance and Jobs"

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