Friday, November 30, 2012

Thursday PM & Friday AM Fires In Accomack County

Thursday night- approximately 8:30 PM - Woods (1/2 acre)  fire across  from Tasley Post Office.  Tasley fire department and Onley ambulance responded. 

Virginia Sate Police, Accomack County Sheriff's Office and Virginia Dept. of Forestry were notified.

It has not yet been determined if Thursday nights  fire is related to the recent rash of abandoned structure fires that have been set in Accomack County over the last two and a half weeks. If  related  it will be the first of the series of fires that hasn't been in an abandoned structure.

Friday @ 1:45 AM- Stations 10, 12 and 18 called to a pile of pallets burning on Beacon Hill Road near Hollies Church. Virginia State Police and Accomack County Sheriff's Office responded and are investigation.

A $5000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the party responsible for setting the fires.

The public is reminded that if they have any information to call: 

1-800-582-8350 or (757) 424-6820;

 call the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at (757) 787-1131.

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