Thursday, December 20, 2012

Change Maryland On Announcement Of New Economic Development Secretary

Statement from Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan on Announcement
 of Dominick Murray as DBED Secretary

"I wish the Administration had undertaken a national search to find the best economic development professional in the country or at least someone with a track record in attracting businesses and creating jobs.

"I am concerned that Mr. Murray's marketing background in the media industry signals an intent to continue to focus more on press releases, slide shows and videos that only promote the governor’s national political aspirations.

"There is much work to do. We now have just three Fortune 500 companies in Maryland and have lost 6500 small businesses from 2007 to 2010.

"Job creation is too important for Marylanders to let this agency devolve into an advertising agency for Martin O'Malley.   For this department to be relevant will require tremendous leadership, and the new secretary must assert his independence from day one.  Marylanders interested in jobs and economic opportunity can't afford our state's lead agency attracting businesses to be a pawn on the Governor's chessboard."

-Larry Hogan is the former Appointments Secretary under previous Governor Robert Ehrlich.  He was responsible for selecting and placing senior Administration officials in state government.  Change Maryland released a report on reforming DBED last month.


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