Wednesday, December 5, 2012

In Case You Missed It: Change Maryland/Larry Hogan

Josh Kurtz: Running MatesCenter Maryland 12.04.12

"Need more thoughtful analysis about the structural flaws in state government, or an argument about why O’Malley’s budget numbers haven’t held up over the years? Larry Hogan is at your service."

Md. taxpayers face their own fiscal cliff
Daily Record 12.03.12

"Change Maryland has fought a persistent public relations battle with state leaders over Maryland taxes. Its chairman, Larry Hogan, has been a frequent critic of Gov. Martin O’Malley’s administration when it comes to business climate and tax rates."

"O’Malley has raised taxes and fees 24 times, taking $2.4 billion out of the economy annually on the state level,” Hogan said. “He ought to be the loudest voice advocating for hard-working Marylanders on Capitol Hill where the timing of these tax increases could not be worse.”

Serious Questions about Maryland's economic development
WBAL radio 12.01.12

"The Department of Business and Economic Development's mandate and mission is to attract jobs.  Instead they are an advertising agency and a pawn on the Governor's chessboard." - Change Maryland / Jim Pettit

President Obama Tax Plan Will Drive Wealth From U.S.
Investor's Business Daily 11.29.12

"Down the coast in Maryland, there was a net loss of 31,000 residents from 2007 to 2010, 'the largest taxpayer exodus of any state in the region' in that period, says Change Maryland, the group that reported the data. And where did they go? Change Maryland says 11,500 Marylanders have moved to Virginia. And why?" 

"Change Maryland says that since 2007, taxes and fees have been raised 24 times in Maryland. Meanwhile the sales tax in Maryland is 6%, in Virginia it's 5%; the top personal income tax rate is 9% in Maryland while in Virginia it's 5.75%; and the corporate rate is 2.25 percentage points higher in Maryland."

Making a case for real job growth in Maryland
Red Maryland 11.29.12
"Again, I urge you to visit the Change Maryland website and read this report in its entirety."

"When you do, you will see common sense policy solutions to a real and looming problem in our state. This is not a partisan problem and the solutions proposed are not partisan either. It is refreshing to see intelligent ideas that can solve Maryland's problems."

A sobering look at economic development
Monoblogue 11.27.12

"While the report was critical, it also outlined a number of ideas for improving the agency and returning its focus to economic development, not just to be another propaganda tool for Martin O’Malley."

Larry Hogan: Economic development needs data, not PR
Daily Record 11.27.12

"Transforming DBED from a political marketing organization into a credible source of economic information is a first step toward driving a policy debate conducive to attracting jobs."

Change Maryland argues for change at state's economic development agency
Baltimore Sun 11.26.12

"The department needs to reorganize to attract more jobs to the state, and must better measure its performance and increase transparency, the Change Maryland report says. The group was founded by Larry Hogan, who heads an Annapolis real estate brokerage firm.",0,730134.story

Report: DBED just a ‘marketing agency’
Daily Record 11.26.12

"In an eight-page report expected to be released Monday, Change Maryland Communications and Policy Director Jim Pettit charges that the Department of Business and Economic Development is a not a job-creating organization, but a politically-driven marketing agency."

Change Maryland seek performance review of state econ development agency
citybizlist 11.26.12

"Citing the success of a similar program in Virginia, Change Maryland is seeking a performance review of the state's economic development agency."

Change Maryland Nonpartisan Movement Surges To 25,000
SBY News 11.14.12

"Founded by successful businessman and former Cabinet Secretary Larry Hogan, Change Maryland has become the largest and fastest growing independent, nonpartisan, grassroots citizen movement in the state. The only way to bring about real change in Maryland is to build a coalition between Republicans, Independents and fiscally conservative and moderate Democrats."

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