Monday, December 31, 2012

Saxis Volunteer Fire Company Santa Run

Sunday  December 23, 2012
It should be noted that the Saxis Volunteer Fire Company had just completed a successful toy giveaway a few days prior to the Santa Run.

The annual Santa Run was a very necessary thing to do this season.  Not just for the sake of the children in the area, but the fire department too.  October brought Hurricane Sandy and devastation just about everywhere you looked in the area.   And because the Saxis Firehouse was  the meeting center and drop off center for hurricane donations many of the fireman were always there.  And now, as if the storm wasn't  enough,  the department- along with all Accomack Fire Companies-  are plagued with arsons.  Never knowing when the next call will be for them they still brought Santa to the community.

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I've seen alot of Santa's in my lifetime but this was the real deal!  It was just like  seeing Santa Claus for the very first time and actually, I guess I was.  No fake beard, real eyelashes and no padding!  I will never forget how this one moment changed a hectic Sunday into the mode for me that it didn't matter if I got everything I needed to do completed or not.  I had seen with my own eyes the face that photos seem to capture.

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The fireman, natually, thought it was funny that I made such a fuss and didn't take them long to tell me they "don't mess around" with something this important!

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It was amazing to see, that even in this day and time, children young and old still take the time to sit on Santa's knee and even those who chose not to still received a candy cane.

Thank you to the Saxis Volunteer Fire Company for letting me tag along.  A Happy New Year to all of you with many thanks for all you do unselfishly throughout the community all year.


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