Saturday, January 19, 2013

Episode 3 /From Why Do We Kill?

"Why Do We Kill" Episode 3: Five Women Who Died from Why Do We Kill? on Vimeo.

Taken from Episode 3:

"When is one life, worth more than another?

That's the question Baltimore faced as the bodies of strangled women were found strewn across the city during the summer of 2008. In roughly four months, five women died, all strangled, all victims discarded in back alley's and side streets of West Baltimore. Among the victims, Nicole Sesker, the daughter of Baltimore's former top cop, Leonard Hamm.

The killings spurred speculation that a serial killer was targeting prostitutes, and shortly after the last victim was found, a man was arrested who had indeed strangled two women and nearly killed another. But what happened after the arrest, and how the cases were handled, revealed just how treacherous life is for the city's poorest, and most vulnerable."

To read more about this case and why people kill in Baltimore and beyond go to:

"We keep making the same mistakes, because we don't understand.  We don't understand why the women remain, why they won't abandon a lost generation and mere memories of a better past."
                                                  - Kelvin D. Sewell -

Thanks Tom

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