Thursday, January 31, 2013

Statement by Secretary Larry Hogan, Chairman of Change Maryland

Statement by Secretary Larry Hogan, Chairman of Change Maryland:
 Response to today's State of the State Speech
by Governor O'Malley
Annapolis - "Governor O'Malley's slogan used to be 'believe' but that speech was pure make believe.   The Governor continues to misuse facts to portray a false narrative of his administration's legacy. Only Martin O'Malley could actually call a 30 percent increase in spending and a budget he has increased by $9 billion as making government smaller and cutting more spending than any governor in history.

"The governor said he cut $8.3 billion but that's just not true. He has increased spending every single year since he has been governor, a total of more than $9 billion. So his math is off by more than $17 billion.

"He talked of making tough choices, but after 24 consecutive tax and fee hikes, the only tough choice he has to make is what can we possibly tax next?

"Governor O'Malley said we have the worst traffic congestion in the nation. On this we agree. But he failed to tell you that he is the reason we are in this predicament because he diverted funds from the transportation trust fund to pay for other things, and then of what was left in the transportation budget, he only allocated a tiny amount to roads.

"He talked about what he inherited. I was a cabinet secretary in the previous administration, and I can tell you that when we turned the keys over to the O'Malley administration, we had a billion dollar cash surplus in the bank, and the state was in the best fiscal shape it had been in decades.

"Just six years later and by any objective measure, by any objective group, the state is in far worse shape than ever before. Businesses, jobs and taxpayers are fleeing our state in record numbers. We have fallen behind all the states in our region and most states across the country in nearly every economic indicator.

"O'Malley's primary focus of this session seems to be making gas and electricity more expensive for working families and small businesses. He is again pushing the gas tax and an expensive windmill project guaranteed to drive up electric bills.

"Under Martin O'Malley there are  207,000 unemployed Marylanders. Since 2007, the private sector employment base Maryland desperately needs for long-term job growth has eroded.  Approximately 6500 small businesses have left the state and  Fortune 500 companies have left as well.  I believe that's where he should have focused his attention.

"The governor is good at making up numbers, spinning  magical tales, with no basis in reality. But, sadly the Governor's real legacy is a record of lost businesses, lost jobs, higher spending, record tax increases, and broken promises.

"Unfortunately he checked out of this job some time ago, and is focused on his next one. His entire focus is about his national political aspirations and not about the needs of average hard-working Marylanders who continue to struggle."

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