Sunday, January 20, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... 1974, 1929, 1964, 1880, 1890.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

August, 1974
(Salisbury Times)


Pitch Will Be Made For New College

Frank H. Morris, former mayor of Salisbury and member of the state board of community colleges, is expected to appear before the Wicomico County Council Tuesday to emphasize the need for an occupationally-technically oriented community college on the lower Eastern Shore.

The four lower Eastern Shore counties are the only ones in the state not served by a community college.

Mr. Morris said he will ask for the council's participation in a feasibility study and also for the council's consideration of the study when complete. Dorchester and Worcester Counties have agreed to lend their support to the study.

July, 1929
(The Morning Herald- Hagerstown, Md.)

Bootlegging In Potatoes Costly

(By The Associated Press)
Salisbury, Md., July 25- A bootlegging trade in potatoes has cost farmers on the eastern shore of Virginia about ten carloads, the amount they estimated has been stolen from fields and cars, it was reported here today. In the night, they said, trucks have taken on loads of potatoes, packed and left in the fields near New Church and Onley, Va. At Onley three freight cars were opened and 240 barrels taken. The farmers believe the trucks have been carrying the stolen potatoes to Philadelphia and New York markets.
October, 1964 (Time Machine Archive)
The latest business addition to downtown Pocomoke was SILCO celebrating its' Grand Opening at Front and Market Streets near the Marva Theater. Grand Opening specials included: Ladies Shirts..$1.27, Men's Shirts..$1.48, Large Cannon Blankets..$2.77, Men's Boots with steel shank and waterproof insulation..$3.69, TV Tray Tables with sturdy collapsible stand.. regularly 94 cents for 59 cents each.
June, 1880
(The Herald And Torch Light- Hagerstown, Md.)

The State Teachers' Association will meet at Ocean City the 6th, 7th, and 8th of July. Tickets of membership (50 cents) for teachers, school officers and friends, may be obtained from P. A. Witmer.

These tickets are necessary to secure the advantages of reduced fare on railroads, steamboat, and at hotel. The Western Maryland Railroad will issue tickets to Baltimore and return for $2.50 from Hagerstown, good from 5th to 13th of July. The steamboat fare from Baltimore to Ocean City and return will be four dollars. The boat leaves wharf, foot of South Street, at five o'clock every evening except Saturday. The ticket by rail from Baltimore to Ocean City and return (good during the season) will be six dollars. Boarding at the Atlantic Hotel to members one dollar a day for the three days the Association is in session. Afterwards, $12.50 a week. Persons desiring to attend ought to start on Monday the fifth by the 6:10 train.

Memories of Accomac, 1890 John S. Wise Jr.. "Memories of Accomac, 1890" Peninsula Enterprise (Accomac, Va.: August 21, 1937)


A friend recently said to me that after all, our memories remain with us and with many are all they get out of life. Certainly I cherish nothing more than my memories of old Drummondtown and Accomack County in 1890, now nearly half a century ago, when I spent a summer with my dear old cousin, Dr. John J. Wise, at his old home "Woodburn," about a mile north of Drummondtown.

I was then a lad of fourteen and full of youthful vitality and activity and interest and curiosity about all things of the Eastern Shore new to a boy who had spent most of his time in the inland country mountains.

(PART 4)

Bill R's (Ayres) didn't need any telephone. He had a voice that enabled him to talk to the town. He was a grand old character. A large handsome man with a wonderful genial and kindly disposition.

One day he told me he needed some cats to protect his barn against rats. I was then doing a lot of traveling around the country and proceeded to pick up every spare cat I could find and landed twenty-seven on him. In after years whenever he saw me he referred to the cat episode.

Henry Ayres would stop in, but being only a carpenter he didn't find it very congenial to mix in with lawyers, doctors and students. Henry lived in the little house near the drug store which I believe he built with his own labor.

He lived to be an old man. Sitting on the steps of the old Coleburn store, which was on the present open space on Main Street now opposite the drug store, he told me he worked as a carpenter building that house in 1855, and that year cast his first vote for my grandfather for Governor.

Tom Russell was a young lawyer in Drummondtown then. He was a great friend of John Blackstone and John Bundick, another local lawyer. Young Jim Fletcher, afterwards Circuit Judge, was a lawyer then.

William Parker was living in the Gibb House on the back street where Dr. John Hack Ayers afterwards lived. He had a pretty little daughter about my age. Lottie she was called. All the boys were making eyes at Lottie.

Dr. J. H. Ayres was a young doctor and was usually at the noon gathering.
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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