Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dog-Bite Responsibility Passes In the House

Sprout and Judge
House Passes Bill on Dog-Bite Responsibility
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP)- The Maryland House of Delegates has unanimously approved a measure that would reverse a court ruling designating pit bulls as an "inherently dangerous breed."

The House voted 133-0 on Thursday for the bill, which is a compromise measure negotiated between House and Senate lawmakers.

Last year, the state's highest court ruled that pit bull owners and landlords would be held to strict liability standards for dog bites without previous evidence a dog was dangerous.

The measure increases protections for dog-bite victims by presuming all dog owners, regardless of the breed, are presumed liable for attacks.

A dog owner who becomes a court defendant after a bite will have a chance in court to try to prove the dog was not dangerous.

The bill now goes to the Senate.


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