Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In Case You Missed It: Change Maryland in the News

Md. businesses hope for more influence in Annapolis
Baltimore Sun 2.24.13

"Almost 400 gathered to hear speakers at the event, organized by Change Maryland."http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-maryland-business-voice-20130224,0,2396206.story

Economic summit looks to become more pro-business
Carroll County Times 2.22.13

"Change Maryland, which was formed in 2011, is a collection of 30,000 members who are calling for a more pro-business Maryland, said founder Larry Hogan."

Group rallies to change Maryland’s business climate
Maryland Reporter 2.22.13

"Hogan told the crowd, 'My hope this morning is that you will never give up hope in this state.”

Maryland’s business climate scrutinized
Baltimore Post-Examiner 2.22.13

“This event today was to raise awareness in the business community,” Hogan said.

Summit: Fixing tax policies will attract, retain businesses
Annapolis Capital - Gazette 2.22.13

“We’re slipping in terms of our demographics. We’re slipping in terms of our business community, both small and large,” said panelist Anirban Basu, CEO of Baltimore consulting firm Sage Policy Group.


Md. business climate must be improved, speakers say
Baltimore Sun 2.21.13

"Nearly 400 people packed a conference room Thursday to hear leaders argue that Maryland is in critical need of a better business climate as big federal spending cuts loom."


Business leaders gather to find way to improve MD competitiveness
Fox 45 2.21.13

"Five years ago, Maryland was home to eleven Fortune 500 companies but only three remain. In six years, lawmakers have raised 24 taxes, tolls and fees - hardly what a perspective business wants to hear."


Yes to jobs, no to higher minimum wage
Frederick News-Post 2.20.13

"Raising the minimum wage would also add to Maryland's anti-business reputation. Turning that around is the subject of a summit (where I am a panelist) in Annapolis Thursday sponsored by Change Maryland."


In gauging Maryland's competitiveness, stick to the facts
Baltimore Sun 2.19.13

"This week, Change Maryland is convening a bipartisan gathering of 400 business and community leaders from across the state."


Change Maryland: We Have Work To Do On Jobs and the Economy
Rockville Patch 2.18.13

"Maryland is lagging behind other states in the region in economic performance, and this forum is the first of what will be many bi-partisan, tangible steps towards a much-needed course correction."


Change MD talks to Jimmy Mathis
WBAL 2.14.13

"This situation with our lopsided tax code is not impossible to fix."


Two bills filed to reduce Maryland's corporate income tax rates
Red Maryland 2.20.13

“It’s too late for timid half measures,” Hogan said.  “The corporate income tax needs to be reduced immediately and dramatically, perhaps even eliminated altogether, to stop the bleeding of 6,500 businesses and chronic economic under-performance in the region."


No consensus on how to fund state’s transportation needs
Daily Record 2.19.13

“Basically, it's just a tax shifting scheme that places the onus on local governments," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.


O’Malley Makes Big Push For Wind Energy Legislation
OC Dispatch 2.15.13

“It seems Martin O’Malley’s priority is to make electricity and gas more expensive,” said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan

O'Malley proposes wind energy bill 
Easton Star-Democrat 2.12.13

Hogan said the bill is a "scheme, is really a tax increase by another name and a financial waste."

O'Malley spinning magical tales in state of state speech
Washington Examiner 1.31.13

"Sadly, the governor's real legacy is a record of lost businesses, lost jobs, higher spending, record tax increases and broken promises."

Budget scrutiny on transportation
Gazette 1.21.13

“Nowhere in this budget document is any mention made to helping Maryland’s blue-collar workers or other working people,” Chairman Larry Hogan said.


O'Malley's budget gets mixed reviews
Easton Star-Democrat 1.16.13

"Hogan said what's missing from the budget is an understanding on how to bring jobs and businesses back to Maryland."

Odds and Ends No. 69
Monoblogue 1.19.13

"Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan also had some suggestions for Martin O’Malley on rebuilding Maryland manufacturing."

State quickly replaces Johansson
Gazette 12.19.12

"DBED has not been aggressive in job creation,” he said. “Maryland is not on the radar screen for most national site selection consultants,” said Larry Hogan.


New economic development chief named for Md.
Baltimore Sun 12.19.12

"But the new appointment was criticized by Change Maryland, a group that has characterized the economic development department as primarily focused on positive-spin marketing."


Tax data Maryland needs — and almost lost
Baltimore Sun 12.19.12

"Virginia, here I come" is a popular refrain on social media posts on groups like Change Maryland's Facebook page, with 25,000 followers who have legitimate qualms about the state's relatively high corporate and individual income tax burdens."


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