Saturday, February 9, 2013

Johns Hopkins Surgeon Speaks at the National Prayer Breakfast

Great video!  Be sure to watch the President's face as Dr. Carson speaks.  It has been quite a while since someone with some sense  has spoken. 

Dr. Ben Carson Talks About Entitlement Struggles in the U.S.

Renowned Johns Hopkins surgeon Dr. Ben Carson is making waves in Washington this week. Dr. Carson spoke against political correctness, the national debt, Obamacare, and big government with the president sitting only a few feet away in a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Dr. Carson spoke for more than 25 minutes tackling issues ranging from education to personal responsibility. Right off the bat, he spoke about his disdain for political correctness. 

His keynote took a starkly political note, asking how the most powerful nation on the planet has such a poor educational program.

Dr. Carson added that we are usually our own worst enemy, citing ancient Rome as a prime example of how history is cyclical. 

Carson then discussed healthcare, which is a sensitive topic where the doctor and the president do not agree.

Source:Dr. Ben Carson Talks About Entitlement Struggles in the U.S.


  1. Anonymous7:12:00 PM

    the good dr speaks and embraces all things that hussein obama and the liberal democrats detest. we need more like minded

  2. I happily agree with you!

  3. why is this not on the front page of all news on line? The guy is cool and
    well a forward thinker.


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