Thursday, February 7, 2013

Support Our Troops Project

Team Britt's Support Our Troops Project seems to be going strong but can always use continuing  support for our troops. 

Below is a list of items that you can be donated.  The soldiers that Britt has adopted appreciate anything from home and have expressed that on her facebook page.  As always, it is important that all of us at home let them know how much we care and miss them.

Snacks- items that do not melt or spoil
cookies, crackers, trail mixes, snack packs, candy, gum, drink mixes

Personal items- deodorants, lotions (scented and non), Q-tips. cotton swaps, wet wipes /baby wipes, sanitizer, men's shampoos, soaps, disposable razors, chap stick

Also: Our soldiers love drawings and letters from children, letters of support, cards, magazines, books, small games

Use your imagination!  Keep in mind that it costs a little over $14.00 towards shipping and handling of these packages so monetary donations are always appreciated!

Team Britt's Support Our Troops Project has T-shirts, bracelets and other items for sale on her facebook page.  1/2 the cost of the items goes towards the cost of getting the packages to our troops.

Donations and items can be dropped off at
Enchanted florist in Pocomoke, Captains Cove Marina Club or Bay Country in Pocomoke.
Be sure to "like" this page- Team Britt's Support Our Troops Project for updates/pictures and more.

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