Monday, March 25, 2013

Gumboro Mudbog 2012 Ending Of The Mud Season

The Gumboro~Crisfield  mudbog season has been over for some time now.  The new schedule for the 2013 season has been made and most drivers have been working on their trucks all winter in preparation for this years competition.
Between now and the time we begin the new racing season I will be posting video and photos to finally close out last year.
Below video is the "Short and Sassy" (driver/owner Barry Wise) during the last day of the racing season.  Time was 6.525 seconds. This certainly was not the Short and Sassy's best run of the year but considering the truck had a broken  right front axle, which occurred during the Super Stock run earlier in the day, it executed a powerful run.
 Things that make you go Hmmmm.....
There is an old saying that goes something like "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink".  Just about the same thing goes with owning and racing a mud truck. Disappointments can happen anytime no matter what you have planned.   When certain circumstances occur that are unplanned they can certainly make anyone almost mess their pants- not to mention create a few moments of fear.
"Freak Nasty" - Owner/driver Chuck West - Mini Open Class

Looking forward to seeing "Freak Nasty"  run during the 2013 racing season!

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