Thursday, March 7, 2013

Maryland Sheriffs' Association, Inc. / Safer Communities

Maryland Sheriffs’ Association, Inc.

Safer Communities
WHEREAS, the elected Sheriff is recognized throughout the United States as a chief local enforcement officer and is directly accountable to the people through the electoral process, we
stand for the Rule of Law in the United States in which the Supreme Court and lower courts are the ultimate authority in determining the constitutionality of any law.
WHEREAS, all Maryland Sheriffs take an oath of office to support and defend the United States Constitution, the Maryland Constitution, and the laws of the State of Maryland, including
the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment.
WHEREAS, a primary mission of Maryland Sheriffs is to ensure public safety, there must be a comprehensive approach to create safer communities; gun control alone will not solve the
problem of extreme violence. Society needs a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to thisworsening problem, including addressing media violence, drugs,gangs, and the breakdown of
 the family.
WHEREAS, Sheriffs’ Deputies must have access to relevant records to determine whether a person is legally prohibited from 
 possessing a firearm by major improvements in the National
Instant Check System. Mental health records must be available for accurate background checks, for response to 911 calls, and for response to those who suffer from mental illness.
WHEREAS, Maryland Sheriffs believe mental health treatment must be greatly expanded for all those who are experiencing mental illness. There is an epidemic of untreated mental illness across this State and across our country. There is a link between untreated mental illness and an increased risk of violent acts.
WHEREAS, Maryland Sheriffs support local State’s Attorneys in the vigorous prosecution of those who violate existing gun laws and encourage enhanced sentences for violators.
WHEREAS, a primary mission of Sheriffs is to ensure public safety, we support enhanced firearm safety efforts including incentives to promote both safe, and secure storage, and use of
WHEREAS, Maryland Sheriffs stand ready to assist in training for school personnel, and those who operate public and private facilities, to address active shooters and other safety concerns.

WHEREAS, the Maryland Sheriffs hold children as their community’s most valuable asset,we are committed to protecting our children in their neighborhoods and in their schools.
 the Maryland Sheriffs’ Association stands ready to work with all parties to create a safer community for all Marylanders.

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