Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Dirty Energy" Spill ~ Homes Evacuated

While some were attending Good Friday services at their church and others were preparing for company coming over the Easter holiday 22 homes in Mayflower, Arkansas were being evacuated. 
Gosh!  Our government was so busy with their other bull crap they somehow simply forgot to inform the public that Exxon Mobile, once again, was losing crude oil into the delicate surroundings of a neighborhood.  And you can't understand what's wrong with the water....

 Exxon pipeline oil spill in Arkansas
By Cassady Sharp

Nearly 12,000 barrels of crude oil spilled out of Exxon Mobil’s Pegasus pipeline into a Mayflower, Arkansas neighborhood causing the evacuation of 22 homes last Friday. The pipeline originates in Patoka, Illinois, and carries crude oil to the Texas Gulf Coast from Western Canada.

President Obama and the State Department can learn an important lesson from this 12,000-barrel pipeline leak.  The TransCanada Keystone pipeline is not a ticket to an energy-independent future, but rather a certain oil spill we cannot afford.

“Despite what oil companies like Exxon want you to believe, oil pipelines leak.  It’s what  they do.  What’s happening in Arkansas right now could be the future for communities from North Dakota to Texas if President Obama approves the Keystone XL pipeline.  

There’s a reason it’s called ‘dirty energy,’ and it’s time we put it behind us.  Let’s stop the spills and move forward with clean energy now,” said Greenpeace US Executive Director Phil Radford.

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