Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pocomoke Nature Trail to be Completed ~ YOU Can Help

Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce

If you have been to see Dr. Shoemaker, you know he is an avid outdoorsman and birder. One of his most beloved projects has been the construction and maintenance of the
Pocomoke City Nature and Exercise Trail
a two mile walking path through primeval cypress forest and swamp along the Wild and Scenic Pocomoke River. 

The floating boardwalk that Ritchie designed has stayed intact through floods, hurricanes and twenty years of use.  He is trying to raise the money needed to finish the "last link" for the Trail itself.  Would you help with a donation?
Dr. Shoemaker reports that the trail committee has been revived and the loop around Stevenson Pond will be completed and donated to the town.  The goal is to finish by July 4. $30,000 is needed and the bird shirt will be available for sale any day. 

 Please see the letter on www.pocomoke.com blog for further details. (You will also find a diagram on how this special boardwalk along with other interesting facts)

Download the Pocomoke City Nature Trail Donation Form

You can also contact the Chamber at 410-957-1919 or pocomokechamber@gmail.com
for more information.
Come on Pocomoke people!! 
So many remember when this first began many years ago! 
So many have walked that Nature Trail with children who are now grown and have children of their own!
Many remember the day the bridge was flown in and lowered at Stevenson Pond!
Now the loop needs to be completed. 
Even a donation of $9.99 will help will help bring the Nature Trail even closer to its completion.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:18:00 PM

    Why do we need $30,000 for bird shit?


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