Thursday, April 11, 2013

Police Still Confident Arson Duo Set Most Of the 77 Arsons

Charles R. Smith III
By Margaret Matray
The Virginian-Pilot

After his arrest, Charles R. Smith III told authorities his fiancee, Tonya S. Bundick, had "personally set 15 abandoned structures on fire," according to a search warrant filed in Circuit Court here and viewed Wednesday by The Virginian-Pilot.

News site reported that another warrant revealed Smith confessed to setting 52 fires.

Police have said they are confident Smith, 38, also known as Charles Applegate, and his fiancee, Tonya S. Bundick, 40, are responsible for most of the 77 arsons set in the county since November.

The documents came to light as Smith appeared before a General District Court judge on Wednesday, seeking to have bond set. His request was denied. One warrant said Smith told authorities the couple used a white Dodge Avenger belonging to her while committing arsons.
Tonya Bundick

On Tuesday, police searched a 2008 white Dodge Avenger purchased by Bundick in February 2012. Assorted papers and clothing and one men's shoe were taken, according to the warrant.

Smith and Bundick each are charged with one count of felony arson and one count of felony conspiracy to commit arson in connection with an April 1 fire in Melfa. Additional charges are expected.

At Wednesday's hearing, Smith said, if granted bail, he would return to work at his Tasley auto repair shop and try to provide for his family. His attorney, Carl Bundick, asked the judge to consider that Smith had kept court appearances in past cases and was not at risk to leave the county.

Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar argued that releasing Smith on bond was not what the community would expect after such a lengthy investigation.

"This is not a candidate for release on bond whatsoever," Agar said.
Judge Gordon S. Vincent declined to set bond, saying "the safety of the community is the overwhelming concern."

Smith wore a white jumpsuit and was shackled at the waist, his hands and feet in cuffs. He became emotional when asked about dependents and said his daughter turned 14 Wednesday. He said he also helped support Tonya Bundick's two children.

Answering questions asked by his lawyer, Smith admitted to once having drug problems. He said he relapsed about 21?2 years ago when his mom was dying but has been clean since meeting Tonya Bundick.

The former firefighter said he first became involved with the Tasley Volunteer Fire Company when he was about 12. Company members at one point had encouraged him to seek help for his drug problems, he said.

According to court documents, Smith's criminal history includes 31 felony convictions.
Smith and Tonya Bundick were taken into custody without incident shortly after midnight April 2 when a state trooper and sheriff's deputy stopped their minivan near a fire on Airport Drive in Melfa.
Virginia State Police were conducting surveillance on an unoccupied house April 1 when troopers saw a minivan stop in the road, heard a car door slam and then saw someone run from the vehicle toward the back of the house, according to search warrant documents. The troopers saw the flicker from a match or lighter, and a fire started at the back door, where the person was standing.

Troopers saw the person run toward the street, and the same minivan picked up the person, according to the documents. After the fire was extinguished, fabric was found wedged between the frame and the rear door of the dwelling.

When police stopped the gold 1997 Plymouth Voyager minivan, Bundick was identified as the driver, and Smith was the passenger. Smith confessed to setting the fire, according to court documents.

Police executed additional search warrants last week. Seized from the couple's home on Matthews Road in Parksley were a gas can, two laptops, several sets of boots and men's coveralls, according to search warrant documents.

A blanket was taken from Smith's business and, from the van, police recovered eight lighters, 14 white towels, two cellphones, black gloves, hats and jackets, a pair of shoes and brown gloves, according to the warrants.

The county saw its first suspicious fire Nov. 12 in Parksley. Since then, vacant residential and commercial buildings were set ablaze across the rural county.

Smith is being held in the Accomack County Jail.

Tonya Bundick was arraigned last week and is being held in the county jail without bond.
Pilot writer Sarah Hutchins contributed to this report.


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