Thursday, April 4, 2013

Remember Cara? Have A Heart 2013

Remember Cara the dog who had its back leg so injured that it was thought she would have to be put to sleep?   She was taken in by the SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia and the rest is happy history!


Matt Holland's Fundraiser:

Have a Heart 2013

EVENT DATE: Apr 30, 2013
My birthday is less than a month away, and trust me when I say that I don't need anything. I'm up to my eyeballs in unplayed video games. I've got more books to read than I have time to read them, and our house is chock full of stuff that would probably be happier at Goodwill.
This is Cara now.  She was adopted February 15, 2012
KB photo
So, in lieu of all the gifts I know you were dying to shower me with, I'm launching another birthday fundraiser for our favorite SPCA on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, where we adopted our three-legged pup, Cara. They're an amazing organization that survives solely by the donations they receive from the community, and I'd like to help them to continue the work that they do to find loving homes for pets who need a second chance at life.

For those who don't know the story, Cara was scheduled to be put to sleep before the SPCA rescued her, because she had (probably) been hit by a car and her back leg was pretty much destroyed.  Yet, the Eastern Shore SPCA saw something special in this crazy little pup, rescued her from animal control, paid for the surgeries she needed, and in the end, they gave us a wonderful addition to our family!

So please considering donating to my fundraiser to help us thank them for all they do. Every little bit helps, and I'm sure Cara would appreciate it, if she understood anything beyond "Sit", "Shake" and "Don't listen to anything I say!  Good dog!"

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