Sunday, April 21, 2013

Shreveport Louisiana Man Arrested For Wearing His Pants Too Low

SHREVEPORT, La. - A Louisiana man was arrested for wearing his pants too low.

Police say they were responding to a fight, when Aaron Woodbury wouldn’t follow their commands to pull up his pants.

“They gave him an opportunity to correct the problems and leave the area,” said Shreveport police Sgt. Bill Goodin. “Refusing to do so ultimately they made a decision to take him into custody.”

Aaron's wife Semekia Woodbury says he was arrested only a block away from their home.

“I’m like, you’re arresting him because he would pull up his pants? Why?” Semekia asked.

Woodbury was charged with resisting arrest and the wearing of pants below the waist in public.

According to Shreveport Government Website, anyone caught with their pants sagging below their waist so low as to show their skin or undergarments could be cited and summoned to appear in court.

If convicted, they could be fined up to $100 and sentenced to perform a day of community service.


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