Sunday, April 28, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... 1889..1987..1921..1896..1913

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

June, 1889
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)

An Immense Meteor.

About 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, a remarkable illumination lasting fully a minute, was observed of the whole eastern horizon. A splendid aerolite, variously described as from one to two feet in diameter, shot across the sky from southeast to northwest. The illumination was like that of a brilliant electric light and was so intense that ordinary print might have been read by it. The meteor burst as it neared the lower horizon into magnificent glowing masses. About five minutes after it disappeared a heavy rumbling sound was heard, shaking windows and, some say, giving a distinct shock. It was an unusual and splendid sight.

(Pocomoke City couple aided)August, 1987
(The Frederick News Post- Frederick, Md.)

Special To The News-Post


Thirty-two Frederick teenagers and their six adult sponsors decided to make a difference in an elderly couple's life this summer by participating in a workshop "Life's More Than A Beach 1987."

Sponsored by Evangelical Lutheran Youth Ministries, these young people worked together to recondition a home that was falling down around its 85-year-old residents. Having spent most of their life in their Pocomoke City residence, Mr. and Mrs. Severn Whitehead were no longer able to do the maintenance on their rapidly deteriorating home because of their increasing age and their medical disabilities.

"The project was rather ambitious." stated Pastor Scot Noon, youth pastor at Evangelical and leader of the work project. "We painted the entire exterior of the two-story home, replaced two sections of roof, installed new screening on the front porch, landscaped around the home, completed some general housekeeping, and delivered hundreds of canned goods items which the church had collected.

Although the staff had no idea how long each project would take, the young people were committed to seeing that the home was repaired. If free time became available, Ocean City was only 30 miles away.

While doing the workcamp project, the young people stayed at Pocomoke River State Park, Shad Landing area, camping in tents.

"As I figure it," said Noon, "the budget for the event was nearly $2,800, with over half of that going directly into supplies for the home. The additional 418 hours of labor contributed to the Whiteheads, making the worth of the project was about $10,000 in retail value. But the true value of the workcamp rested in helping some beautiful people who really needed it, in learning cooperation and teamwork, and trying to care and reach out in love."
June, 1921
(The Denton Journal)


Touring the Eastern Shore

The Eastern Shore Society of Baltimore left that city Friday morning on its first automobile tour of Eastern Shore counties. It is their intention before returning to have visited each of the nine counties and the nine county seats. There are about 35 in the party, representing natives of all the (Eastern Shore) counties. The party had lunch at Chestertown, after which they proceeded to Centreville and Easton. The first night was spent at Cambridge. Saturday morning the trip will be resumed to Salisbury, Princess Anne, and Crisfield. In the afternoon the trip will be resumed via Pocomoke City and Snow Hill, and the day's fun will end at Ocean City. On the return trip the party will go via Denton and Rock Hall. Arrangements are being made in the respective county seats to greet the visitors at the Court House. This society was organized in 1913 with 112 members and now has over 500. 

July, 1896 (Time Machine Archive)
(Peninsula Ledger) 

Dr. W. H. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Pocomoke City, MD. prepared to do all kinds of dental work, and guarantees satisfaction. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ---nitroas Oxide Gas or Cocaine. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Prices Moderate.
The cheapest place to get your Spectacles and Eyeglasses is at Wm. Sartorious. Eyes tested free of charge.
W. Ulysses Schoolfield, Surveyor, Pocomoke City, MD. special attention paid to adjusting disputed lines.

June, 1913
(The Washington Post)


Failure of Coroner's Jury to Place Blame Stirs Public

Special to The Washington Post.

Salisbury, Md., June 28.- Governor Goldsborough of Maryland will be called upon to assist the local authorities in their effort to clear up the mystery surrounding the death of Miss Florence Wainwright, bookkeeper of the Home Gas Company, who was found dead in her office on June 20.

State's Attorney George W. Bell made this clear today, when he also said there was no possibility that the coroner's jury which conducted the investigation, and which adjourned at 3:30 this morning until Monday after an all night session, and after one ballot had been taken, would render a verdict implicating any particular person or persons as being responsible for the young woman's fate.

The prosecutor further said that, in his opinion, the jury would disagree when it reconvenes next Monday morning, or it would return a verdict to the effect that the unfortunate girl died as a result of an illegal operation at the hands of a person or persons unknown to the jury.

On the only ballot taken the jury, it is stated, was 10 to 2 in favor of a verdict holding one person responsible for the alleged operation. It is said that the two jurors who opposed such a verdict favored a nondiscriminating finding.

The State's attorney said he would leave nothing undone toward bringing the guilty person to justice, and to this end he has resolved to call upon the governor for assistance. He will also make application to the board of county commissioners to supply necessary funds to employ the most competent detectives money can procure in an effort to unravel the mystery.

The failure of the jury to arrive at a decision after an all-night session behind closed doors has caused much severe criticism. It is confidently believed by many persons here that had the jury completed its inquest and arrived at a verdict when it was first impaneled, immediately after Miss Wainwright's corpse was found in her chair at the office of the Home Gas Company, the person responsible for her death would have been apprehended. Critics say the whole manner in which the investigation has been conducted reflects discredit on the local authorities.

It is alleged that those persons who were first looked upon with suspicion have hardened themselves to the ordeal of an inquisition, and that because of this the coroner's jury lost many points of advantage.

It is evident now from remarks from Salisbury's best known citizens that the great effort on the part of the authorities to keep the results of the investigation secret will no longer be tolerated.
Even now there are well founded rumors of a public indignation meeting at the courthouse, and the ministers of the city have been requested to denounce from their pulpits tomorrow the so-called "star chamber" methods with which the inquest has been conducted.

According to the evidence last night there is now no doubt that the girl died as a result of a bungled operation. The pills, in a box labeled "Quinine," which were found on her desk in the gas office, have been analyzed and found to be exactly what the label indicated.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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