Sunday, April 21, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... 1918..1882..1974..1880..1913

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)
February, 1918
(The Denton Journal- Denton, Md.)

No Place For Loafers

Says the Wilmington Every Evening: "The Dover Index calls attention to a published notice in the Advertiser of Salisbury, Md., to the loafers of Wicomico County, to 'work or go to Delaware.' " That is, if they stay in Maryland they will have to work. If they step over the line into Delaware they may enjoy a life of lazy leisure. "This does not sound well for Delaware," says the Dover Index. "We need labor about as much as any other state, and we certainly do not want to become a refuge for loafers from other states. We have work for everyone in Delaware, and can employ part of Maryland's population. So we can, and so we should. If Maryland's loafers think they can evade work by simply stepping over the State line, they may find themselves mistaken. Governor Townsend has been vested by the Legislature with unusual powers in respect to meeting war emergencies, and there is no doubt that forcibly putting loafers to profitable work would come within his official province. These are no times for 'slackers' in any line of industry. And also, in consideration of the demand for labor in all branches of industry, it is time to enforce the maxim: 'The man who does not want to work should be compelled to work.' "  

July, 1882
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)


The jury summoned in Worcester county, Md., to assess damages to land owners who had not granted the right of way to the Peninsula railroad over their lands, from Pocomoke City to the Virginia line, met on last Thursday. In consideration of the advantages to be derived from the construction of the road, one dollar was considered an adequate compensation for each landholder, and so awarded by the jury. The only instance in which a larger compensation was allowed was Mr. John A. Brittingham, to pay the expense of removing certain outbuildings which lay along the line of the road. At the next term of our court, commissioners will be appointed to assess damages to landowners in Accomac who have refused to give right of way to said road.

June, 1974
(Daily Times- Salisbury)

Essay Contest Winners Listed

The American Legion Auxiliary, Worcester Post No. 93, recently sponsored an "Americanism Essay Contest" limited to students in grades three through eight.

Entrants were required to write an essay on "What Freedom Means To Me."

Ann Hastings Lewis, of Winter Quarters Drive, Pocomoke City, a fifth grade student, was the winner of the fourth and fifth grade group. Lee Payne, also of Pocomoke City, was the winner for grades six through eight.

Both students received a $25 savings bond and their essays were entered in the Southeastern Shore District and Maryland Department Competitions.

At a district banquet held recently in Hurlock, Miss Lewis won first place in the district contest for which she received a check for $25 to be put towards a savings bond. She also came in second place statewide and received a $75 savings bond, and an Americanism Medal. Attending the banquet with her was her mother, Mrs. Peggy Lewis, and her brother, Tom Lewis. 

February, 1880 (Time Machine Archive)
(The Cedar Rapids Times- Cedar Rapids Iowa)

Winter wedded a very early Spring in Accomac County, Va., the other day when Egbert G. Bailey, seventy-two years old, led Maggie Bennett, bride of fourteen, to the altar.

(Part of a continuing series of articles regarding the death of a young Salisbury office worker.)  
June, 1913
(The Frederick Post- Frederick, Md.)


Through Them Members of Elks Club Are Said To Have Had View of Gas Office

Salisbury, Md., June 27- Two or more small holes bored in the wall between the Salisbury Lodge of Elks Home and the office of the Home Gas Company are expected to play no small part into the probe into the death of Miss Florence Wainwright.

Rumors surrounding the mysterious holes grew stronger today. It was learned that a number of members of the Elks had testified at the hearing last Saturday that they were aware of 'peep holes' in the walls.

Others whose names have come to the authorities will face the inquest tonight and tell what they know about the peep holes and what is alleged to have been seen through them that the state expects to show a motive for the criminal operation alleged to have caused the death of the young Salisbury girl. The holes, which are now said to be chinked with putty and plaster, opened from the dining-room and hallway of the Elks Home, through a board siding and gave limited view to the interior of the back room of the Gas Company's office.

Indications still point to the implication in the event it is proved an operation was performed, and the reports today, which are said to sift from the guarded utterances of the jurors, are to the effect that the inquest will either agree to hold at least two persons or disagree entirely.

The witnesses for the inquest are assembling today. C.A. White and Joseph Niblett came from Philadelphia last night and others are said to have come from Baltimore at the insistence of state authorities.

Mrs. Elmer Smith, who spent part of Friday afternoon in Miss Wainwright's company in the Gas Company's office, told again today her story of the events which preceded immediately the tragedy.

Mrs. Smith, who was with the girl while she was ill in the rear yard of the place, said that she left Harold Smith and Miss Wainwright alone in the office at 5:40 o'clock on Friday afternoon, only a short time before the girl's dead body was found propped against her desk by Mervin Ellis, her brother-in-law.

"Miss Wainwright appeared to be better when I left her," she said, "she told me she was ill when I went into the office at 4:30 o'clock." She said that she had cramps when she left home and had taken a drink of whisky for relief. I could smell it on her breath.
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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