Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Change Maryland: More Job Losses for Maryland

More Job Losses for Maryland
Maryland lost 6,200 jobs in April according to the latest available numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Maryland is the only state in the region to experience significant job losses last month while many parts of the country have begun a path towards economic recovery. 

Change Maryland notes the tragic irony of the report’s release the same day as Governor Martin O'Malley and President Obama were in Baltimore city touting the President’s “Middle Class Jobs & Opportunity Tour.”

“The President has had a rough week.  Visiting Maryland to tout job creation on the same day a report shows Maryland lost the third highest number of jobs in the country is just another stroke of bad luck for this President this week,” said Larry Hogan, Chairman of Change Maryland. “But it is tragic for Maryland’s struggling middle class families." 

"After nearly seven years of failed economic policies, it has become crystal clear that the O’Malley-Brown Administration just does not get it when it comes to jobs,” Hogan added.   “Year after year, their jobs, jobs, jobs rhetoric is simply that – rhetoric.  But their record stands in stark contrast.  The fact of the matter is when it comes to jobs, our increased reliance on government to create jobs has left Maryland’s economy vulnerable to the ever changing political winds in Washington.”

In the most recent report, Maryland’s loss of 6200 jobs was the third worst, trailing only mid-western states Minnesota and Wisconsin for the numbers of jobs lost in April.  In all, 31 states experienced job growth for April. Further, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised Maryland’s employment numbers downward for March.
Regionally, only Delaware, with 300 lost jobs, experienced job losses over the same period of time. Virginia gained over 12,000 jobs and Pennsylvania added over 6,000. 

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