Friday, June 14, 2013

Based On Lies To Police Officer Man Found Guilty On All Charges

Accomack County Circuit Court

Defendant Shontel Johnson was charged with attempted robbery, malicious maiming, and two counts of use of a firearm. The defendant asked for a bench trial which was granted. The  incident occurred on or about January 12, 2012,  in the Tysons parking lot in Temperanceville.

James Tull Jr., a 13 year night shift worker at Tyson, testified Mr. Johnson called him on the phone near the end of his shift and asked him to meet him in the parking lot outside of the gate. At approximately 3am when approaching the car that Mr. Tull believed  Mr. Johnson was in, Mr. Johnson jumped out with a rifle in hand and told Mr. Tull  to put all his money on the trunk. Mr. Tull then told him that he didn't have anything but some rent money. At that point the two other men in the car told Mr. Johnson that things were not going well and to get in the car and go. Mr. Tull testified that at this point, Mr. Johnson struck him in the head with the barrel of the gun and all three men left. It was at this point Mr. Tull  called 911. Hospital records and pictures showed a head wound with six stitches.

Deputy Sheriff David Gladden answered the call at Tysons parking lot within 2-3 minutes of the 911 call and questioned Mr. Tull , who identified Mr. Johnson as the man who had tried to rob him, and had stuck him at gun point. He also shared that Johnson was his cousin and informed the officer where he lived. When Officer Gladden arrived at the residence  of Mr. Johnson only the defendants stepfather and mother were home.

Officer Gladden testified that while in the home he saw a half empty half gallon bottle of clear alcohol believed to be gin, along with a set of scales with a green leafy substance nearby. Also found were bullets for a 30/30 rifle and 44 caliber, along with a shotgun. 

When Officer Gladden met with Mr. Johnson at approximately 10:30pm the next evening, Mr. Johnson denied knowing Mr. Tull and said that he had spent the night at the owl hotel with his girlfriend and her family.

Patrick Joseph, who was one of the passengers in the said vehicle at the time of the incident, said he saw Johnson strike Tull, and a ring on Johnson's hand caused the wounds.

When Johnson took the stand, his testimony indicated this was not a robbery, but a drug deal gone bad. He testified that he was there to recover his $ 200 that he had paid Mr. Tull earlier. He also claimed not to own a gun, and also insisted the head wounds were inflicted by the ring he was wearing.

Judge Revell Lewis explained to the defendant that this was a case of credibility, and based on his lies to Officer Gladden, he was finding him guilty on all charges. Johnson will be sentenced at a hearing on October 7, 2013.

Other cases heard:
Bail being set at $25,000 dollars for Mr. Eddie Jackson of Onancock for distributing cocaine.
$25,000 bail also set for gang activity, reckless handling of a firearm, and threatening of a juvenile for Quarmaine Bailey.


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