Friday, June 7, 2013

Worcester County Sheriff's Office / Tropical Storm Andrea


From:Worcester County Sheriff's Office

As Tropical Storm Andrea makes it way towards the Eastern Shore, The Worcester County Sheriff's office is encouraging people to take precautions before the severe weather is upon us.
Please check you exterior for loose items as estimated winds could exceed 40 mph at times.
We are expecting a significant amount of rain with estimates as high as 5-6 inches.
For our local folks, most of you should be familiar with the roads that normally flood. Take precaution if you approach high water if you are driving. We will have extra patrol deputies out beginning Friday afternoon until the storm passes our area.

For those who have to work, please consider calling your home or someone that you know before you leave from work and allow an extra amount of time to get to your destination.

We encourage you to use the major routes as the county back roads are a concern for us for downed trees and wires that are difficult to see in the dark. A major concern is always coastal flooding.
For those who are in these coastal areas, you can expect some high water during the tide changes.
Our deputies will be patrolling these areas and will assist anyone in need.

The expected brunt of the storm will occur during the evening hours during Friday. This time table is somewhat flexible since this storm may increase or decrease in size while over landfall. As usual, if you do not need to be out, please stay indoors.
We will do our best to post road closures or hazardous conditions as they happen on this page and local media. Please be safe and smart in your travels.

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